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School Discipline Collection Disciplinary Action Definitions
This provides information regarding the definitions for disciplinary actions included in the statewide school discipline collection. More information about the school discipline collection can be found here.
Total Number of Incidents
The total number of incidents (not students) made to be reported for the specified behavior/allegation type. For reported behaviors, this will be the sum of Classroom Suspension/Teacher Removal, In School Suspension, Out of School Suspension, Expulsion, and Other Action Taken for incidents with the Referrals to Law Enforcement included only if no other action is being reported for that behavior.
Classroom Removals
The total number of incidents involving the reported behavior in which the most severe action taken was the student(s) being suspended from the classroom or removed by the teacher. Include only those incidents where the teacher removal process provided by C.R.S. 22-32-109.1(2) (a) (II) was followed (including contacting the parent or guardian, having a student-parent-teacher conference and if the second removal, developing a behavior plan). Other in school suspensions should be reported in the "In School Suspension" column.
In-School Suspensions
The total number of incidents (not students) involving the reported behavior in which the most severe action taken was the student(s) being suspended in school. Student suspended from classroom to another location in the school in accordance with Local Board Policy. Do not report any incidents that followed the teacher removal process provided by C.R.S. 22-32-109.1(2) (a) (II). They should be reported in the "Classroom Removal" column.
Out-of-School Suspensions
The total number of incidents (not students) involving the reported behavior in which the most severe action taken was the student(s) being suspended out of school. Student suspended from school grounds in accordance with Local Board Policy.
The total number of incidents (not students) involving the reported behavior in which the most severe action was the student(s) being expelled. Student expelled in accordance with Local Board Policy. Expelled students who are on abeyance should be included because the most serious action taken is expulsion.
Law Enforcement Referrals
The total number of incidents (not students) involving the reported behavior in which the student(s) were referred to law enforcement. If the incident was referred to law enforcement, indicate the most serious action taken (e.g., suspension, expulsion) in addition to the referral to law enforcement. Law enforcement referrals will not be counted in the total incident count unless law enforcement referral is the only column checked. A communication between a school administrator, teacher, or other school employee and law enforcement that: A. Is initiated by the school administrator, teacher, or other school employee; and B. Concerns behavior by a student who the school administrator, teacher, or other school employee believes may constitute a violation of the school conduct and discipline code or a criminal or delinquent offense and for which the school administrator, teacher, or other school employee requests an investigation or other involvement by a law enforcement. Referral to law enforcement does not include: A. Contact with law enforcement that is made for the purpose of education, prevention, or intervention regarding a student's behavior. B. Routine or incidental communication between a school administrator, teacher, or other school employee and law enforcement. C. Any Incident or Communication that is initiated by Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement includes any law enforcement agency, law enforcement officer or school resource officer.
Other Action Taken Incidents
The total number of behavioral incidents (not students) in which the most severe action taken to the student(s) is not included as a data field type (i.e., suspension, expulsion, etc.). Other Action Taken is defined by state statute as any other form of discipline, which shall be officially identified as part of a board policy.
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