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Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Education Services and Other COVID-19 Privacy Guidance
Protecting Student Privacy While Using Online Education Services
General Privacy Guidance for Using Online Education Services
The Colorado Department of Education is relying upon privacy guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, in responding to the move from In-Person Learning in Schools to Online Learning. Please use the provided links to support your operations. If you are not finding the assistance you need, please reach out, knowing we support you, and will work to find a solution that works for you.
FERPA and Virtual Learning - Outline of Available Resources
Requirements and Best Practices
Data Privacy/Security Guidance Around Remote Learning and Virtual Classrooms
FAQs on Photos and Video Under FERPA
Vendor/Contract Guidance
Clickthrough/Clickwrap Agreements
Select Local Education Providers Obligations Under the Student Data Transparency and Security Act (C.R.S. Section 22-16-101 et seq.):
Each Local Education Provider shall post and maintain on its website a list of the School Service Contract Providers the Local Education Provider contracts with and a copy of each contract.
A Local Education Provider shall not enter into or renew a contract with a School Service Contract Provider that refuses to accept the terms outlined on the Obligations of the School Service Contract Providers page around data transparency, data security and data destruction.
Each Local Education Provider shall make copies of the Student Information Privacy and Protection Policy available upon request to the Parent of a Student enrolled by the Local Education Provider and shall post a current copy of the Student Information Privacy Protection Policy on the Local Education Provider's website.
Model Terms of Service (ToS) - This document can help users identify Terms of Service provisions that adequately protect student privacy.
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