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Colorado READ Act
Evidence-Based Reading Training Requirements
Colorado school districts are required to ensure all K - 3 teachers and 4 - 12 reading interventionists complete evidence-based training in teaching reading as a result of changes to the Colorado READ Act in SB 19-199 (PDF). Beginning in the 2024-2025 budget year and thereafter, districts are also required to submit evidence that each principal and administrator, as defined in Rules for the Administration of the Colorado READ Act, has successfully completed evidence-based training in the science of reading (SB 22-004 (PDF)). Learn about the hour, content, assessment requirements and pathways for these trainings by visiting the links below.
Science of Reading Literacy Series
The Elementary Literacy and School Readiness office at CDE is developing a series of turnkey professional development options for districts to use to support implementation of evidence-based practices in the Science of Reading. The Science of Reading Literacy Series will begin with a focus on six instructional routines that address each of the components of literacy and oral language.
Learn More and Access Resource
Biliteracy Professional Development Series
This self-paced course is designed to provide participants with evidence-based strategies for teaching students in English and Spanish while working towards bilingualism and biliteracy. This open-source training is designed for anyone interested in learning more about best practices in providing biliteracy instruction in Spanish and English. Additional instructional implementation resources are provided.
Access the Biliteracy PD Series
Live READ Act Informational Webinars
The Office of Elementary Literacy and School Readiness will host monthly live informational webinars to provide updates on the READ Act teacher and school administrator trainings.
Learn More and Register
READ Act Regional Meetings
The Office of Elementary Literacy and School Readiness will host quarterly regional support meetings to provide updates on READ Act resources, share collaborative work with other CDE offices, and provide time for READ leads to connect about READ Act implementation.
Learn More and Register
About the Colorado READ Act
The Colorado Reading to Ensure Academic Development Act (Colorado READ Act) was passed by the Colorado legislature in 2012, giving the state the guiding philosophy, structure and resources to get children reading at grade level by the time they enter the fourth grade. The Office of Elementary Literacy and School Readiness has several resources designed to support understanding of the Colorado READ Act.
Learn More about the Colorado READ Act
Stay Informed
Please sign up for the READ Act communication list in order to stay informed of changes and updates related to SB19-199 READ Act Implementation Measures. CDE will announce ways to participate and provide your feedback throughout the implementation process.
Sign up for the READ Act communication list
News and Events
2025 READ Act Professional Development Review
The READ Act requires the department to create an advisory list of evidence-based or scientifically-based instructional programming in reading for use by local education agencies. During each review cycle, new providers have the opportunity to be added to the advisory list. The review is a two part process for vendors to submit professional development to be reviewed for inclusion on the Colorado Department of Education READ Act Advisory List.
For more information on the review process please visit 2025 READ Act Professional Development Review Process.
Approved Professional Development
READ Act Evaluation Reports
During the 2019 legislative session the Colorado READ Act was amended to require the Department to contract with an independent evaluator to provide independent evaluations of the use of per-pupil intervention money and money received through the Early Literacy Grant program by local education providers and to determine whether the student outcomes achieved are meeting the intent of the law.
WestEd, as the selected independent evaluator, presents summary results annually to the field on the independent evaluation.
For more information please visit READ Act Implementation Evaluation.
Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant (CLSD)
The U.S. Department of Education awarded Colorado a $16 million grant to implement the Colorado Comprehensive Literacy Project, which aims to advance literacy skills for children from birth to grade 12 with special emphasis on children living in poverty, English learners and children with disabilities.
2023-2024 READ Act Instructional Program Review
The READ Act requires the department to create an advisory list of evidence-based or scientifically-based instructional programming in reading for use by local education agencies. During each review cycle, new providers have the opportunity to be added to the advisory list. The review is a two part process for vendors to submit instructional programs, core, supplemental and intervention, to be reviewed for inclusion on the Colorado Department of Education READ Act Advisory List.
For more information please visit 2023-2024 READ Act Instructional Programming Review Process.
Advisory List of Instructional Programming
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