CDE will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents Day holiday.
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Suicide Prevention Resources
Suicide Prevention
- Signs & symptoms of teen self-harm Cutting and Self- Harm –
- Characteristics of anxiety and depression Depression – Anxiety and Depression Association of America
- Is it Really Depression Anxiety and panic disorders –
- Adolescent depression and self-harm -
- Articles on mental health depression, anxiety, cutting, & eating disorders
- Look for “What’s Going On” stories Suicide Prevention -
- Suicide Warning Signs Teen suicide warning signs –
- A Parent's Guide to Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Prevention in College
- Michael Phelps Discussion Regarding Struggle with Depression
- Youth suicide prevention - Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Many of these resources are embedded in the teacher-authored instructional units.
For additional support please contact:
Other Health Resources
- Advocacy and Self-Advocacy
- Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco
- Bullying Prevention
- Communication
- Decision-Making and Problem Solving
- Diversity and Respect
- Goal Setting
- Healthy Relationships
- Human Growth and Development
- Media Influences
- Nutrition
- Personal Management
- Refusal and Negotiating Skills
- Suicide Prevention
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