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Community Partners for Comprehensive Health
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- Comprehensive Health
- Physical and Personal Wellness
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Emotional and Social Wellness
- Bullying Prevention
Comprehensive Health
- Society of Health and Physical Education (SHAPE) America - Visit this site for teaching tools and guidance documents to connect with students, implement best practices, educate parents and motivate children to engage in a lifetime of physical activity.
- American School Health Association (ASHA) - The American School Health Association envisions healthy students who learn and achieve in safe and healthy environments nurtured by caring adults functioning within coordinated school and community support systems.
- 9Health Fair - Access to low cost health care and health fairs for schools.
- American Association for Health Education - Find resources, professional development, and advocacy tools for health education and promotion.
- Colorado Education Initiative - The Colorado Education Initiative works to accelerate the achievement of a high-quality K-12 educational system that ensures the success of every educator, leader and student by cultivating a network of shared innovation, learning, vision, and ownership among diverse parties, leveraging the power of many, and equipping teachers, leaders, and organizations with the knowledge, resources, tools, guidance, and financial support to drive improvement outcomes.
- Colorado Uplift - Colorado Uplift offers a unique, comprehensive solution to the issues faced by urban kids and has an overall goal to empower urban young people to become leaders and productive citizens through long-term, relational support.
- Trailhead Institute - The Trailhead Institute helps educate the educator-in schools and communities, among families and peers. Through training, research, advocacy, comprehensive sexuality education and youth/family partnerships, we help communities across Colorado reach their desired academic and health goals.
- Effective Programs Archive – Sociometrics - Access outstanding research-to-practice prevention programs in key health areas, such as teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS and substance abuse prevention.
- Healthy Kids. Healthy Colorado. - Child health care tips and information from experts at Children's Hospital Colorado. Different popular topics are highlighted each month.
- Healthy Learning Paths - Healthy Learning Paths' mission is to empower children by teaching wellness strategies for success in health, learning, and life through the Be Well, Learn Well® school program. The program serves all children, with a focus on early childhood and families with low income.
- Youth,gov This federal website provides interactive tools and other resources to help youth-serving organizations and community partnerships plan, implement, and participate in effective programs for youth.
- Public Health Online - Online guide to careers in public health including comprehensive details about the public health field, career prospects, and free resource.
- RMC Health - The mission of RMC Health is to improve the mental, physical, social, and emotional health of children and youth by providing innovative and effective professional development (training, coaching, and resources) to educators and professionals who serve them.
Physical and Personal Wellness
- Alliance for a Healthier Generation - Tap these resources to help develop a healthier school environment, including health and physical education.
- American Heart Association - Use these resources to integrate personal & physical wellness standard into a variety of classes, including gym, and the school.
- The Colorado Education Initiative - The Colorado Education Initiative works to accelerate the achievement of a high-quality K-12 educational system that ensures the success of every educator, leader and student by cultivating a network of shared innovation, learning, vision, and ownership among diverse parties, leveraging the power of many, and equipping teachers, leaders, and organizations with the knowledge, resources, tools, guidance, and financial support to drive improvement outcomes.
- Healthy Kids. Healthy Colorado. - Child health care tips and information from experts at Children's Hospital Colorado. Different popular topics are highlighted each month.
- Healthy Learning Paths - Healthy Learning Paths' mission is to empower children by teaching wellness strategies for success in health, learning, and life through the Be Well, Learn Well® school program. The program serves all children, with a focus on early childhood and families with low income.
- RMC Health - The mission of RMC Health is to improve the mental, physical, social, and emotional health of children and youth by providing innovative and effective professional development (training, coaching, and resources) to educators and professionals who serve them.
Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Trailhead Institute - The Trailhead Institute helps educate the educator-in schools and communities, among families and peers. Through training, research, advocacy, comprehensive sexuality education and youth/family partnerships, we help communities across Colorado reach their desired academic and health goals.
Emotional and Social Wellness
- Center for Mental Health in Schools - Find resources, online trainings, learning communities and exchanges, guides to evidence-based practices, and the latest research supporting mental health education in schools.
- Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) - Access the numerous nationally available, evidence-based social and emotional learning programs that provide systematic classroom instruction to enhance children’s abilities to recognize and manage their emotions, appreciate the perspectives of others, establish pro-social goals and solve problems, and use a variety of interpersonal skills to handle the challenges of growing up.
- Colorado Education Initiative - The Colorado Education Initiative works to accelerate the achievement of a high-quality K-12 educational system that ensures the success of every educator, leader and student by cultivating a network of shared innovation, learning, vision, and ownership among diverse parties, leveraging the power of many, and equipping teachers, leaders, and organizations with the knowledge, resources, tools, guidance, and financial support to drive improvement outcomes.
- Colorado Uplift - Colorado Uplift offers a unique, comprehensive solution to the issues faced by urban kids and has an overall goal to empower urban young people to become leaders and productive citizens through long-term, relational support.
- Trailhead Institute - The Trailhead Institute helps educate the educator-in schools and communities, among families and peers. Through training, research, advocacy, comprehensive sexuality education and youth/family partnerships, we help communities across Colorado reach their desired academic and health goals.
- Healthy Learning Paths - Healthy Learning Paths' mission is to empower children by teaching wellness strategies for success in health, learning, and life through the Be Well, Learn Well® school program. The program serves all children, with a focus on early childhood and families with low income.
- Random Acts of Kindness - Emotional and social wellness lessons.
- RMC Health - The mission of RMC Health is to improve the mental, physical, social, and emotional health of children and youth by providing innovative and effective professional development (training, coaching, and resources) to educators and professionals who serve them.
Bullying Prevention
- Anti-Defamation League – No Place for Hate Campaign - Find out about this effort in the Mountain States region to organize schools to work together and develop projects that enhance the appreciation of diversity; access tools and strategies to promote respect for individual and group differences while challenging prejudice and bigotry.
- CDE's Office of Bullying Prevention and Intervention - Get support on developing an effective school environment with explicit instruction for social and emotional skills, including bully prevention, and shared expectations and positive reinforcements for behavior.
- Colorado Education Initiative - The Colorado Education Initiative works to accelerate the achievement of a high-quality K-12 educational system that ensures the success of every educator, leader and student by cultivating a network of shared innovation, learning, vision, and ownership among diverse parties, leveraging the power of many, and equipping teachers, leaders, and organizations with the knowledge, resources, tools, guidance, and financial support to drive improvement outcomes.
- Colorado School Safety Resource Center - Explore this website offering a wealth of resources for educators and to learn more about the Colorado School Safety Resource Center’s work with schools and communities to create safe and successful school environments for students.
- Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN) - This site provides resources on creating a safe and respectful climate for students who are or who are perceived to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered and includes safe school toolkits and resources for teachers including lesson plans and activities
- Stop Bullying Now! - Visit this US Department of Education and Department of Health and Human Services combined site for resources on bullying prevention for teachers, other school staff, law enforcement, mental health professionals, parents, and students.
For content specific questions, please contact Jamie Hurley, Comprehensive Health and Physical Education Principal Consultant
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