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CDE Update
Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources.
If you have any feedback regarding the CDE Update, email CDE_Communications_Office@cde.state.co.us.
CDE Update Archive
December 2022
Accountability, Performance and Support
What's Happening Now
- The 2022-23 accreditation contracts will be made available to superintendents via DocuSign and must be signed by both the district superintendent and the local school board president by Wednesday, Dec. 28. View the contract requirements and renewal process on the District Accreditation webpage.
- The school improvement and planning team has resources to support districts and schools for the 2022-2023 school year planning expectations.
- 2022-23 Unified Improvement Planning submission feedback for schools and districts on Performance Watch and schools identified for comprehensive support under ESSA will be emailed to district accountability contacts in early January. The UIP submission deadline for any newly identified sites and sites participating in request to reconsider is Tuesday, Jan. 17. See the Announcements section on the UIP Webpage for additional information.
- 2023 Performance Framework Targets: On Nov. 10, the State Board of Education voted to keep the cut-scores for the 2023 framework sub-indicators and overall rating targets consistent with the cut-scores used in 2019 and 2022. New measures will be available for informational purposes in the 2023 frameworks and then for points in 2024.The 2023 Performance Framework Targets can be found in the scoring guide.
What's on the Horizon
Important Upcoming Deadlines
Dec. 28: Accreditation Contracts due
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What's Happening Now
- As required by state statute, CDE released a request for proposals for the next five-year contract cycle of the high school college entrance suite of assessments today, Thursday, Dec. 1. The CDE Assessment Division will convene a review committee to evaluate vendor proposals, with an announcement of a selected vendor to be made prior to the end of the school year. The vendor chosen through this procurement will begin administering a new computer-based college entrance suite of exams to students in ninth, 10th and 11th grade starting in spring 2024.
Contact Joyce Zurkowski, chief assessment officer, at zurkowski_j@cde.state.co.us with any questions.
- District Assessment Coordinators must submit the following items to CDE by Thursday, Dec. 15:
- District or school-wide CMAS paper-based testing mode selections
- District-selected CMAS and CoAlt administration windows
- 2022-23 Unique Accommodations Request forms for CMAS along with appropriate supporting data.
For additional information about CMAS deadlines, contact Sara Loerzel at loerzel_s@cde.state.co.us.
What's on the Horizon
Important Upcoming Deadlines
Dec. 1: ACCESS Unique Accommodations Requests due to CDE. Details emailed to the district assessment coordinator in November.
Dec. 15:
Deadline for submitting CMAS paper testing mode and CMAS and CoAlt administration windows to CDE
CMAS Unique Accommodations Requests due to CDE
ACCESS for ELLs materials arrive in Districts
Dec. 16:
ACCESS for ELLs additional material ordering window opens
Deadline for schools to submit PSAT/SAT offsite testing plans to College Board (if needed)
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Educator Talent
What's Happening Now
- The Commissioner’s Teacher Cabinet seeks 12 new members. Eligible candidates must complete and submit the online application by Wednesday, Jan. 11.
What's on the Horizon
Important Upcoming Deadlines
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What's Happening Now
- Additional communications about the Educational Data Advisory Council’s Program Monitoring and Fiscal Self-Assessments will be emailed to LEAs. Updates will be provided during Office Hours and posted on the Federal Programs Monitoring webpage. For questions, reach out to the Program Monitoring Supervisor, Tammy Giessinger at giessinger_t@cde.state.co.us.
- If a local education agency is notified they have more than 15% carryover for 2021-22 Title I funds, they must submit an Ed-Flex Title I 15% carryover waiver to the Federal Programs and Supports Unit. For questions about the waiver process, contact Evita Byrd at byrd_e@cde.state.co.us or Rachel Temple at temple_r@cde.state.co.us.
- CDE invites districts to assist in the U.S. Census Bureau’s Annual School District Review Program. District leaders should review their district boundaries using TIGERweb, to determine if the mapped boundaries, which inform Title I funding, accurately reflect the school district’s boundaries effective on or before Jan. 1, 2023. Errors must be submitted by Dec. 15, to Tina Negley, the Colorado State Mapping Coordinator, at negley_t@cde.state.co.us.
- CDE seeks stakeholder comment on proposed revisions to the ESSA State Plan. The proposed changes are explained on the ESSA webpage. The feedback survey is available for public comment until Monday, Dec. 19. For questions, contact Nazanin (Nazie) Mohajeri-Nelson at mohajeri-nelson_n@cde.state.co.us.
What's on the Horizon
Important Upcoming Deadlines
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Organizational Effectiveness
What's Happening Now
Data Pipeline
- Special Education IEP interchange file errors must be resolved by Friday, Dec. 9. A complete Special Ed December Count snapshot is due Thursday, Jan. 26.
- Staff interchange file errors must be resolved by Friday Dec. 9.
- Districts unable to complete the 2021-22 December Finance collection by the Dec. 31 deadline must request an audit extension through the Office of the State Auditor. If approved, extensions are due by March 1.
- The pre-ID extract for CMAS ELA/Math/Science, CoAlt ELA/Math, CoAlt Science, and CO SAT/PSAT assessments will occur after the Student October is finalized. Data will be pulled from approved Student October files so local education agencies do not need to alter Data Pipeline files in preparation for this activity.
School Nutrition
- Additional resources and FAQ about Healthy School Meals for All initiative available in the coming weeks. For questions, contact Kerri Link at link_k@cde.state.co.us or 720-660-5499.
What's on the Horizon
Important Upcoming Deadlines
Dec. 1:
Final superintendent certification deadline for End of Year Snapshot
Dec. 2:
- Non-public School Directory is due
- Student October local board secretary signature pages due
- Newly elected school board members entered into the Directory
Dec. 16:
Dec. 31: 2021-22 December Finance due
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Postsecondary Readiness
What's Happening Now
- 2022-23 applications for the Accelerated College Opportunity Exam Fee Grant Program, also known as the AP/IB Exam Fee Program, are due Friday, Jan. 6. This grant helps increase the number of eligible students who take AP/IB exams and receive scores for which college academic credit is awarded. The program provides funds to high schools to pay all or a portion of AP/IB exam fees on behalf of eligible students.
What's on the Horizon
Important Upcoming Deadlines
Dec. 9: Innovative Learning Opportunities Pilot Intent to Apply Due
Dec. 16:
- Innovative Learning Opportunities Pilot Application Due
- John W. Buckner Automatic Enrollment in Advanced Courses Grant applications due
- Deadline for schools to submit PSAT/SAT offsite testing plans to College Board (if needed)
Jan. 6: Accelerated College Opportunity Exam Fee Grant Program (AP/IB Exam Fee Program) Applications Due
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Teaching and Learning
What's Happening Now
- The State Board of Education approved revision recommendations, including amendments to Genocide and the Holocaust studies and inclusion of minority groups, at their November meeting. The adopted standards are posted on the Office of Standards and Instructional Support webpage.
- The State Board of Education approved proposed changes to the Rules for the Administration of The Colorado READ Act at their November meeting. The rules include five approved interim reading assessments starting in 2024-25 and updates to the district reporting requirements.
- Cohort 4 funding for the School Bullying Prevention and Education Grant Program intent to apply is due Monday, Dec. 12. Applications are due Friday, Jan. 20. An application information webinar will be held at 1 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 5.
- As part of its asset-based belief system, CDE will begin using the term “Multilingual Learner” in place of English Learner in communications. When referencing and/or citing state and federal law and/or obligations under these laws, including associated data collections, guidance and other resources, the terms English Learner, Non-English Proficient, Limited English Proficient, Fluent English Proficient, Former English Language Learner and other legal terminology will continue to be used.
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