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CDE Update

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Welcome to the CDE Update! This monthly publication for district superintendents and BOCES directors will show you what is happening in key priority areas at CDE and include details on implementation, milestones, deadlines and resources. 

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CDE Update Archive

December 2022

Accountability, Performance and Support

What's Happening Now

What's on the Horizon

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

Important Upcoming Deadlines

More Information

For more information on accountability and improvement, contact Rhonda Haniford, associate commissioner, 303‐866‐6202.


What's Happening Now

  • As required by state statute, CDE released a request for proposals for the next five-year contract cycle of the high school college entrance suite of assessments today, Thursday, Dec. 1. The CDE Assessment Division will convene a review committee to evaluate vendor proposals, with an announcement of a selected vendor to be made prior to the end of the school year. The vendor chosen through this procurement will begin administering a new computer-based college entrance suite of exams to students in ninth, 10th and 11th grade starting in spring 2024.

Contact Joyce Zurkowski, chief assessment officer, at with any questions.


For additional information about CMAS deadlines, contact Sara Loerzel at

What's on the Horizon

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

Important Upcoming Deadlines

Dec. 1: ACCESS Unique Accommodations Requests due to CDE. Details emailed to the district assessment coordinator in November.

Dec. 15: 

  • Deadline for submitting CMAS paper testing mode and CMAS and CoAlt administration windows to CDE

  • CMAS Unique Accommodations Requests due to CDE

  • ACCESS for ELLs materials arrive in Districts

Dec. 16: 

More Information

For more information on assessments, contact Joyce Zurkowski, chief assessment officer,, or visit

Educator Talent

What's Happening Now

What's on the Horizon

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

Important Upcoming Deadlines

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

More Information

For more information, contact Colleen O'Neil, associate commissioner of Educator Talent, at, or visit


What's Happening Now

What's on the Horizon

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

Important Upcoming Deadlines

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

More Information

For more information, contact Nazanin Mohajeri-Nelson, executive director of the Federal Programs & Supports Unit, at

Organizational Effectiveness

What's Happening Now

What's on the Horizon

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

Important Upcoming Deadlines

More Information

For more information on data pipeline, contact Annette Severson, manager of data services, or visit

Postsecondary Readiness

What's Happening Now

What's on the Horizon

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

Important Upcoming Deadlines

More Information

For more information, contact Michelle Romero, Supervisor of Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness Programs, 303-877-4155, or visit

Teaching and Learning

What's Happening Now

What's on the Horizon

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

Important Upcoming Deadlines

Watch for more information in next month's Update.

More Information

For more information, contact Joanna Bruno, executive director, 303-919-3907,

CDE Update Special Edition

Special Editions of the CDE Update

Read the latest: Sept. 22