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BrainSTEPS CO Team Contact List
The following is a list of Colorado school districts/BOCES that have active BrainSTEPS CO teams. Students in these districts/BOCES who have a traumatic brain injury, non-traumatic brain injury, or a congenital brain injury, and may be experiencing an educational impact due to their brain injury, should be referred to BrainSTEPS CO via the online referral located at BrainSTEPS REFERRAL. If you have specific questions regarding services for students with brain injury, please contact the designated contact for the student’s specific district/BOCES, listed below.
BrainSteps CO Program Coordinators
Toni Grishman, RN, BSN
Email Toni Grishman
Jody Dickerson, RN, BSN, MN
Email Jody Dickerson
(720) 795-2273
BrainSTEPS CO Team
Academy 20 School District
Team Leader: Cassandra Reese
Referral Email: cassandra.reese@asd20.org
Adams 12
Team Leader: Laura MacDonald & Jimmy Simmons
Referral Email: Laura.B.MacDonald@adams12.org & jimmy.j.simmons@adams12.org
Aspen School District
Team Leader: Allina Robertson
Referral Email: arobertson@aspenk12.net
Aurora Public Schools
Team Leaders: Tammy Hutchison
Referral Email: trhutchison@aurorak12.org
Boulder Valley School District
Team Leaders: Dr. Sabrina Miller & Christina Norman
Referral Email: sabrena.miller@bvsd.org & christina.norman@bvsd.org
Centennial BOCES
Serving Morgan Re‐2J Brush, Morgan Re 20J Weldon Valley, Morgan Re‐50 Wiggins School District, Weld Re‐1 Gilcrest, Weld Re‐2 Eaton, Weld Re‐7 Platte Valley (Kersey), Weld Re‐9 Ault‐Highland, Weld Re‐10 Briggsdale, Weld Re‐11 Prairie, and Weld Re‐12 Pawnee (Grover)
Team Leader: Dr. Nicole Chaves & Kerry Poole
Referral Email: nchaves@cboces.org & kpoole@cboces.org
Cherry Creek School District
Team Leaders: Paige Lujan
Referral Email: clujan@cherrycreekschools.org
Colorado River BOCES
Serving Garfield Re‐1 Roaring Fork, Garfield Re‐2 Rifle, and Garfield 16 Grand Valley
Team Leader: Denise Rahe
Referral Email: drahe@crboces.org
Denver Public Schools
Team Leader: Cari Ledger & Caroline DeWitt
Referral Email: Cari_Ledger@dpsk12.org & caroline_dewitt@dpsk12.org
Douglas County School District
Team Leaders: Dr. Stephanie Crawford & Dr. Kaylene R Case
Referral Email: stephanie.crawford@dcsdk12.org & kcase@dcsdk12.org
Eagle County School District
Team Leaders: Clarissa Caloggero & Heidi Press
Referral Email: clarissa.caloggero@eagleschools.net & heidi.press@eagleschools.net
East Central BOCES
Serving Adams 29J Bennett, Adams 31J Strasburg, Arapahoe 26J Deer Trail, Arapahoe 32J Byers, Cheyenne R‐1 Kit Carson, Cheyenne RE‐5, Elbert C‐2, Kiowa, Elbert 300 Agate Kit, Carson C‐20 Arriba/Flagler, Kit Carson R‐23, Hi‐Plains, Kit Carson R‐4, Stratton, Kit Carson R‐5 Bethune, Kit Carson RE‐6J Burlington, Lincoln C113 Genoa‐Hugo, Lincoln Re 4J Limon, Lincoln Re 23 Karval, Washington R‐2 Arickaree, Washington R‐104 Woodlin, Idalia RJ‐3 Idalia, and Liberty J‐4 Liberty
Team Leaders: Beverly Blagg
Referral Email: bevb@ecboces.orglix
Fort Morgan RE‐3
Team Leaders: Nicole Stone & Brittney Weimar
Referral Email: nicole.stone@morgan.k12.co.us & brittney.weimer@morgan.k12.co.us
Fountain‐Fort Carson School District 8
Team Leader: Shanda Vaira
Referral Email: svaira@ffc8.org
Harrison 2 School District
Team Leaders: Meg Linn
Referral Email: mlinn@hsd2.org
JeffCo Public Schools
Team Leaders: Liza Doyle
Referral Email: liza.doyle@jeffco.k12.co.us
Littleton Public Schools
Team Leader: Courtney Berry
Referral Email: cberry@lps.k12.co.us
Mesa County Valley School District 51
Team Leaders: Brielle Etcheverry & Thomas McCause
Referral Email: Brielle.Etcheverry@d51schools.org &
Moffat County School District
Team Leaders: Teresa Laster & Myranda Lyons
Referral Email: teresa.laster@moffatsd.org &
Montrose County School District
Team Leaders: Stephen Jacob Price & Amy Shelly
Referral Email: stephen.price@mcsd.org &
Poudre School District
Team Leader: Donna Detmar‐Hanna
Referral Email: ddetmarh@psdschools.org
Pueblo County District 70
Team Leaders: Hilary Munoz & Aaron Crowley
Referral Email: hmunoz@district70.org &
Roaring Fork School District
Team Leader: Angie Simpson
Referral Email: asimpson@rfschools.com
San Juan BOCES
Serving Archuleta 50 Jt, Dove Creek Re-2J, Dolores Re-4A, Bayfield 10JT-R, Silverton 1, Montezuma/Cortez RE-1, Ignacio 11 Jt, Mancos Re-6
Team Leader: Raleigh Cato
Referral Email: rcato@sjboces.org
School District 27J
Team Leader: Christine Jones
Referral Email: cjones@sd27j.net
School District 49
Team Leader: Erica Cody & Danielle Walkowiak
Referral Email: erica.cody@d49.org & Dwalkowiak@d49.org
St. Vrain Valley School District
Team Leader: Kim Ainsworth & Melissa Thompson
Referral Email: ainsworth_kimberly@svvsd.org &
Thompson Schools
Team Leader: Susie Priest & Dr. Nicole Crawford
Referral Email: susan.priest@tsd.org & nicole.crawford@tsd.org
Weld RE-4/Windsor
Team Leader: Nicole Sigafoos
Referral Email: nicole.sigafoos@weldre4.org
Weld RE-6/Greeley
Team Leader: Michaela Onkka & Sarah Waldron Moffitt
Referral Email: monkka@greeleyschools.org &
BrainSTEPS is a joint project between the Colorado Brain Injury Program, and the Colorado Department of Education.
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