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State and Federal Grants Contact Information
Grants listed by assigned Grant Managers with Contact Information (use Ctrl-F to search for grant by name or grant code)
TBD phone: 7-7- email:
- AP Exam Fee- grant code: 3270
- AP Incentives- grant code: 3226
- Automatic Enrollment in Advanced Course Grant Program- grant code: 3256
- Bullying Prevention- grant code: 3232
- Career Success Incentives- grant code: 3237
- CDC Colorado Healthy Schools- grant code: 7981
- CO Menstrual Hygiene- grant code: 3277
- Comprehensive Health Education- grant code: 3190
- Comprehensive Health: Student Wellness- grant code: 3202
- Early Literacy Grant- grant code: 3203
- EARSS Targeted Intervention- grant code: 3242
- Expelled and At Risk Students (EARSS)- grant code: 3183
- Project Aware Colorado- grant code: 7243
- School Counselor Corp- grant code: 3192
- School Health Professionals Grant- grant code: 3218
- Student Re-Engagement- grant code: 3231
Evan Davis phone: 303-866-6129 email:
- Adult Education- grant code: 3215
- Adult Education and Family Literacy Act: Adult Education- grant code: 5002
- Adult Education and Family Literacy Act: Adult Education/EL CIVICS- grant code: 6002
- Child Find- grant code: 3130
- Deaf and Blind Services- grant code: 5326
- E2 21st Century ESSER II- grant code: 4413
- Ed Orphan- grant code: 3130
- Education Stability Grant- grant code: 3248
- ESSER I 21st Century ESSER- grant code: 5625
- Gifted Education Regional Consultants (GERCs)- grant code: 3150
- Gifted Education Universal Screening and Qualified Personnel- grant code: 3228
- High Cost- grant code: 3130
- IDEA CCEIS (Mandatory Early Intervening Services)- grant code: 8027
- IDEA Part B ARP (America Rescue Plan)- grant code: 6027
- IDEA Preschool ARP (America Rescue Plan)- grant code: 6172
- IDEA, Part B- grant code: 4027
- IDEA, Part D, State Program Improvement Grant- grant code: 5323
- IDEA, Preschool Grants- grant code: 4173
- Javits Gifted and Talented Right 4 Rural- grant code: 5206
- McKinney-Vento ARP-HCY- grant code: 8425
- McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvement Act- grant code: 5196
- School Turnaround Leaders Development Program- grant code: 3227
- State ECEA (Special Education)- grant code: 3130
- State Gifted and Talented- grant code: 3150
- Tiered Intervention Grant (TIG)- grant code: 7377
- Twenty-First Century Community Learning Centers (Cohort 7, 8, 9) ESSER- grant code: 5287/6287/7287
- Twenty-First Century Community Learning Centers (Cohort 7, 8, 9) ESSA- grant code: 7287
- Workforce Diploma Pilot Program- grant code: 3252
Jennifer Austin phone: 303-681-6302 email:
- Admin PSF- grant code: N/A
- Admin Re-appropriated Fund- grant code: N/A
- Dropout Prevention and Student Engagement Pilot- grant code: 8397
- English Language Proficiency Act (ELPA) Excellence- grant code: 3138
- GEERS Governor's Office - On-Line- grant code: 6425
- MSix Data Quality Grant- grant code: 4144
- Physical Education Instruction Pilot Program- grant code: 3252
- Retaining Teachers- grant code: 3245
- Supplemental Online- grant code: 3185
- Title V, Part B, Charter School - Remote Learning Grant- grant code: 8282
- Title VIII, Impact Aid- grant code: 4041
Patrick Mueller phone: 303-656-9341 email:
- After School Snack Program- grant code: 4555
- CLSD Co Comp State Literacy- grant code: 5371
- Computer Science Teacher Education- grant code: 3239
- Emergency Operating Costs Funding- grant code: 4555
- Farm to School- grant code: 7172
- Federal Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program- grant code: 4582
- Local Accountability Systems- grant code: 3257
- Local Food Purchasing (Nourish)- grant code: 3249
- Lunch Protection Program- grant code: 3169
- School Breakfast Program- grant code: 4553
- School Lunch Program- grant code: 4555
- Sexual Risk Avoidance Education- grant code: 7235
- SNAP CN Local P-EBT Grant Round 2- grant code: 4649
- Special Milk Program for Children- grant code: 4556
- Start Smart Child Nutrition- grant code: 3164
- State Matching Child Nutrition- grant code: 3161
- Summer Food Service Program for Children- grant code: 4559
- USDA Nutrition Equipment- grant code: 5579
Robert Hawkins phone: 303-927-9608 email:
- Connecting Colorado Students Grants #2- grant code: 3273
- Connecting Colorado Students Grants (ESSER) #1- grant code: 5525
- Emergency Assistance to Non Public Schools (EANS)- grant code: 9426
- ESSA Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs- grant code: 4010
- ESSA Title III Set Aside for Immigrant Students- grant code: 7365
- ESSA Title V, Part B, Rural and Low Income Schools (RLIS)- grant code: 6358
- ESSA, Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Distinguished Schools Award Program- grant code: 8010
- ESSA, Title I, Part D, Delinquent (LEA): Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youth who are Neglected, Delinquent or At-Risk- grant code: 7010
- ESSA, Title I, Part D: Delinquent (SEA-Subpart 1, Title I-D)- grant code: 4013
- ESSA, Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction- grant code: 4367
- ESSA, Title II, Part A Supporting Effective Instruction- grant code: 5367
- ESSA, Title IV-A: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants- grant code: 4424
- ESSA, Title V, Part B, Small Rural Achievement Program- grant code: 4358/5358
- ESSA: Title III: English Language Acquisition- grant code: 4365
- Title I Reallocated Funds Assistance Grant- grant code: 6010
- Title III (Reallocated) PD Grant- grant code: 5365
Steven Kaleda phone: 303-866-6724 email:
- ARP - ESSER III- grant code: 4414
- Concurrent Enrollment - ARP Federal- grant code: 9017
- Concurrent Enrollment Expansion and Innovation- grant code: 3272
- ESSER I- grant code: 4425
- ESSER I Supplemental- grant code: 5425
- ESSER II- grant code: 4420
- ESSER II Supplemental- grant code: 4419
- K5 Social and Emotional Health Act- grant code: 3254
- Ninth Grade Success Grant Program- grant code: 3251
- Title I, Part C: Education of Migrant Children- grant code: 4011
Tricia Miller phone: 303-877-2154 email:
- CDPHE Vaccine- grant code: 7323
- CO High Impact Tutoring Program- grant code: 3276
- CO Nurse Workforce- grant code: 7354
- GEERS Governor's Office - Teacher Quality- grant code: 7425
- MTB Framework- grant code: 8174
- Quality Teacher Recruitment- grant code: 3205
- School Climate Grant- grant code: 8174
- School Leadership Pilot Program- grant code: 3274
- Student Engagement and Family Partnership- grant code: 8174
- Teacher in Residency- grant code: 3244
- ESSA, Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs Reallocated unused funds remaining from Title I formula grant- grant code: 5010
- ESSA, Title I, Part A: Improving Basic Programs: School Improvement: Included here is the Title I Turnaround Grant- grant code: 5010
- Title V, Part B: Public Charter School Grant: grant code 5282
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