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Professional Learning Moodle Training
Training for All
The Adult Education Initiatives Office along with our talented Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act partners have developed a series of partner training and public facing courses to give further support and knowledge about the work we do and the people we serve. We invite you to take any course.
The state WIOA Moodle is an open Learning Management System with a variety of courses.
Log into the state WIOA Moodle and obtain an account.
This link will take you to a login and an area to get an account:
To get a new account pleas go to the question: "Is this your first time here?" and select the button Create new account:
Once you have gotten an account you are able to access the courses provided below. Please save your login into your browser. If you do forget your user or password you can reset from these pages.
Designed for career seekers, students, and advisors, the Colorado Career Advising (CCA) Tool features a quick survey to identify strengths and motivators, laying the foundation for a personalized career action plan.
Current Moodle course offerings
We begin by defining the purpose and requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, with a specific focus on Title II - Nondiscrimination in State and Local Government Services. Next, we focus on disability awareness and etiquette which is designed to help everyone understand the responsibilities of how to create and maintain a welcoming environment for people with disabilities. From there we will dive into Section 188 of WIOA to define what Programmatic Accessibility is. Lastly, we wrap up with Title II administrative responsibilities and create an understanding of what needs to be evaluated.
Course: Remote Worker Certification for Supervisor and Leaders
This course is designed to help equip supervisors and leaders with the best practices, tools, and insights needed to effectively manage and lead remote workers in all industries. Designed as an interactive, online learning experience, the program is focused on the application of information and skills needed to successfully manage and lead individuals and teams.
Course: Remote Worker Certification for Workers
This course is designed to prepare workers across Colorado and the nation to effectively work remotely. The program provides information and tools for individuals and team success when working in virtual environments.
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