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C. Demonstration of Experience
This option allows those that can demonstrate, through classroom observation, that they have mastered the competencies associated with one or more ABEA courses to get a certificate of equivalency for the course(s) for use when applying for the ABEA.
Please note: At this time, the Demonstration of Experience option does not cover EDU-131 (or EDAE-520), due to the foundational nature of the content covered in the course.
In addition to the documents required for all portfolios, portfolios involving Demonstration of Experience must also include::
- Demonstration of Experience Form(s) (EDU-132 (PDF), EDU-133 (PDF) & EDU-134 (PDF))
- One for each ABEA course the applicant is submitting for evaluation.
Demonstration of Experience Forms
Demonstration of Experience forms give applicants the opportunity to document that they have successfully demonstrated the competencies present in the ABEA course(s) they are submitting a portfolio for. Demonstration of experience forms exist for EDU-132, EDU-133, and EDU-134.
These forms must be completed with a qualified evaluator, and require that the evaluator observe the applicant two separate times and conduct at least one debrief conversation per course being evaluated. Based on these observations and the debrief conversation, the evaluator scores the applicant on their proficiency with regard to the course competencies for the course being evaluated. These scores are then totaled up for an overall score. Each course has a minimum passing score as outlined on the course’s form.
Additional information, which is provided on the forms themselves, can also be found below:
Qualified evaluators must:
- have a bachelor’s degree and at least 720 hours of experience in adult education, or
- hold a current ABEA and have at least four consecutive months of experience in adult education.
- have worked with the applicant for a minimum of four months.
- be familiar with the ABEA course competencies and the content area observed.
Observations must:
- be at least 30 minutes long.
- be conducted in a setting relevant to the competencies being observed.
- focus on a specific course and its competencies.
- involve a debrief conversation reviewing results.
- be approved by the applicant’s program director.
- occur no more than six months prior to this form being signed.
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