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B. Pushing Forward Assessments
When starting a new program year or Period of Participation (PoP), if a learner has a valid pre-test that was administered within the last 3 months, per the AEI Assessment policy, grantees are not required to re-pre-test the learner. Rather, grantees may push forward the prior program year or PoP assessment into the new program year or PoP. If intending to post-test the learner in multiple subject areas, grantees must push forward all subject area assessments into the new program year or PoP.

Grantees will use the “Push Forward” icon located in each assessment row under the assessment tab of the learner record to push forward assessments into the new program year of PoP. To do so, grantees will select the “Move forward to next fiscal year” radio button in LACES.
Note: Assessments should not be pushed forward into the new program year until after July 1st annually.
When grantees push an assessment forward into a new program year or a new PoP, any instructional hours the learner accumulated after the date of their last “Pre-” test will also carry forward into the post-test eligibility tracking for the learner into the new program year or PoP. When LACES determines if the learner is post-test eligible, the system will include these carry-over hours from the prior program year or PoP.
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