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A. Enrolling Learners in Classes and IETP
Grantees must enroll learners in active classes in LACES in order to report instructional hours. Instructions for enrolling learners in classes in LACES can be in the LACES Knowledgebase and will be covered in training. Enrollment into classes may be done on either the enrollments tab of the learner record or from the enrollment tab of the class record.
Grantees providing Integrated Education and Training Programs (IETP) under either the AEFLA or IELCE grant must report learner class enrollments with the IETP credential checkbox located at the bottom of the class enrollment screen.
When marking students as IET participants in LACES, it’s important to make sure that they are receiving all WIOA required components of an IET program. An IET program under WIOA is defined as a service approach that provides:
- Adult education and literacy activities …
- which are programs, activities, and services that include adult education, literacy, workplace adult education and literacy activities, family literacy activities, English language acquisition activities, integrated English literacy and civics education, workforce preparation activities, or integrated education and training.
- that are provided concurrently and contextually with both of the following:
- workforce preparation …
- which helps an individual acquire critical thinking, digital literacy, and self-management skills and gain competency in utilizing information, working with others, and understanding systems
- and workforce training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster
- workforce preparation …
- and is done for the purpose of educational and career advancement.
Note: Grantees providing the “Workforce Training” component of an IET program must report these classes independently of other classes in LACES. Grantees providing the “Workforce Training” component through partnership with other entities/organizations do not need to report these classes in LACES; however, participants in these partner-provided workforce training classes must be marked as IETP enrollments in their adult education and literacy class in LACES.
Email AEI to request detailed instructions on locating which learner records have or have not been marked with an IETP class enrollment.
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