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Grantee Handbook
This handbook was produced by the Office of Adult Education Initiatives (AEI) to provide federal Adult Education and Family Literacy Act (AEFLA) and state Adult Education Literacy Act (AELA) grantees information about the requirements they must adhere to as recipients of funds under the grant. The goal is for grantees to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of what is expected of them. Additional technical assistance and resource documents will be provided through other means.
- I. Introduction
- A. Mission and Vision
- B. Purpose and Priorities (AEFLA)
- C. Communication
- II. Program Design and Instruction
- A. Research and Evidence-Based Practices
- B. Student Support and Persistence Strategies
- C. Comprehensive and Additional Services (AEFLA)
- D. Standards
- E. Professional Learning
- F. Partnership Development
- III. Grant Management
- A. At-a-Glance
- B. Laws and Regulations (AEFLA)
- 1. Serving 16-Year-Olds
- 2. Federal and State Policy Guidance
- C. Policies
- 1. ABEA
- 2. Accessible Design
- 3. Assessment
- a) Assessment Policy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- (1) Assessment Administration
- (2) Assessing English Language Learners
- (3) Assessment and Instructional Hour Data Entry Requirements
- 4. Distance Learning
- D. Staff Designations and Responsibilities
- E. LACES Data Dictionary
- F. Grants Fiscal Reference Guide
- 1. Fiscal Definitions
- 2. Budget Object Code Reference
- 3. Operations and Processes
- G. Monitoring and Reporting
- 1. Risk Assessment
- 2. Grantee Information Updates
- 3. Continuation
- 4. Close-Out
- H. Definitions and Acronyms (AEFLA)
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