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Dual Language Immersion Standards
Standard-based instruction establishes the rigor and relevance of the Dual Language instructional program. In a Dual Language Immersion program, instruction is aligned to the standards in two languages, English and the target language. Students learn the same standards-based curriculum in all content areas that non-immersion students follow in any other classroom.
Immersion students develop skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening in both English and the target language while attaining academic achievement that is at or above their grade level as measured by a variety of assessments. The World Language Standards and the Colorado English Language Proficiency Standards can be used for measuring language proficiency. Dual Language Immersion programs prepare students academically, linguistically, and socially for the challenges and needs of our global community.
Dual Language Immersion Programs design instruction using the following standards:
- Colorado Academic Standards
- Language Proficiency Standards
- Culturally Responsive Standards
Dual Language Immersion Programs
Dual Language Immersion programs utilize English and a variety of target languages such as Spanish, Arabic, French, Hawaiian, Japanese, Korean, or Mandarin for instruction. They use the target language for at least half of the instructional day in the elementary years. These programs generally start in kindergarten or first grade. Many continue into middle school and high school. Key Characteristics of all quality Dual Language Immersion Models according to CAL & Thomas & Collier are as follows:
Integration of language and culture
Additive practices that promote bilingualism, biliteracy, and positive cross-cultural attitude and behavior
Separation of the two languages for instruction
Active engagement, student-centered, and meaningful learning
Promotion of positive interdependence among peers and between teachers and students
Standards-aligned curriculum and high-quality instructional materials, as well as exposure to authentic language models and texts
Valid and appropriate assessments
Age-appropriate instruction differentiated and scaffolded for different levels of language proficiency
High-quality instruction by highly qualified personnel who have native or native-like proficiency in the language being taught
Systemic professional development and support for leaders, teachers, and school personnel
Active parent-school partnerships·
Most effective when started in Preschool and/or Kindergarten
Communication and expectations have been established in that all stakeholders understand the benefit of maintaining enrollment for multiple years to optimize language learning
Most Common Dual Language Immersion Models
Instructional Time:
The 90:10 model, the target language is used in kindergarten for 90% of the instructional time and English is used for 10%. At each grade level, the amount of instruction in English rises by 10%, as indicated in the table below. This model seeks to develop literacy in the target language with increasing English until academic work and literacy are 50:50.
Grade | % of Instruction in Target Language | % of Instruction in English |
Kindergarten | 90 | 10 |
1st | 80 | 20 |
2nd | 70 | 30 |
3rd | 60 | 40 |
4th and beyond | 50 | 50 |
The 50:50 model maintains 50% of instruction in the target language and 50% in English throughout elementary. At each grade level, the amount of instruction in the English and the target language remains the same. Because this model seeks to develop literacy in the target language and English simultaneously, it requires a closely aligned curricular program where instruction in key content areas, such as language arts and math, so that the skills are not retaught in both languages, but rather are built upon in each language.
Student Demographics:
Two way - A balanced ratio of students from two language groups (between 70% and 30% for each group)
One Way - Over 80% of the student population is from one language group
Work Together
Once the decision has been made to implement a program, the parent and community group should work cooperatively with the school system professionals on the implementation.
Start Planning the Transition to Middle and High School
A critical aspect of any elementary language program is planning for the smooth transition as students advance to middle school and then high school. Since these students will be functioning at a proficiency level higher than other students, it is important that they have a planned program that will allow them to continue to build their language proficiency as they move up through the grades. When an elementary school anticipates implementing a language program, the middle and high schools into which the students will feed should be involved in the planning from the beginning.
Support the Program
Encouraging cultural opportunities within the community for all the students.
Speaking positively about language immersion in the community.
Taking any concerns about language immersion directly to the school principal or appropriate district personnel.
Educating all stakeholders on the importance of having 2 languages for student future success.
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