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21st CCLC Subgrantee Resources
Important Documents
- 21st CCLC Important Dates for 2024-25 (Word) updated 8/15/24
- 21st CCLC PD Supplemental Funds Application FY23-24 (Word)
- 21st CCLC Subgrantee Operations Manual (PDF)
- Grant Distribution Reports (CDE Grants Fiscal Webpage)
- Assigned Lead Consultants (PDF)
- Food Costs FAQ (PDF)
- Colorado 21st CCLC PWR Toolkit (PDF)
- 21st CCLC Logo
- Evidence-Based Programming and Practices (Word)
- ESEA General Assurances Form
State-Level Evaluation Documents
- End of Year Report (Cohort 8) (Word)
- End of Year Report (Cohort 9) (Word)
- End of Year Report (Cohort E2 OST) (Word)
- Quality Implementation Rubric with Action Tool (Word)
- Sustainability Plan Template (Word)
- Evaluation Summary Template (Word)
- Data Collection & Reporting Guide (Word)
- Data Confidentiality & Security Fact Sheet (Word)
Data Reporting Requirements
- Monthly Attendance is due the 15th of each month
(submit through EZReports) - Teacher Surveys are due June 15, 2023
(submit through EZReports) - 2020-2021 IFR (Interim Financial Report) due to CDE:
(submit to CDE through February 15, 2023
- covering the period of 7/1/22-1/31/23
- February 15, 2023
Fiscal/Budget Technical Assistance
Assistance available from Grants Fiscal on:
- Allowed Carryover
- Budget Revisions and Submissions
Webinars and Trainings
If you would like the presentations or accompanying documents for any of the links below, please reach out to the OSS Program Assistant
- 2023-24 End-of-Year Webinar
- 2023-24 Back to School Webinar (August 22, 2023)
- 2022-23 End of Year Webinar (March 15, 2023)
- Cohort 8 BSCA Summer 2023 Supplemental Funds Webinar
- 2021-22 End of Year Webinar (March 15, 2022)
- New Staff Orientation
- Local Program Evaluation Training
- PWR Toolkit Introduction
- Spring 2022 Virtual Subgrantee Meeting
- GPRA Data Collection & Reporting Webinar
- Fall 2021 Virtual Subgrantee Meeting
- ESSER II OST (E2 OST) Cohort Introduction and Overview Training
- New Subgrantee Orientation for Cohort IX and E2 OST:
- Orientation Day 1 Recordings
- Orientation Day 2 Recordings
- Orientation Day 3 Recordings
- 2021-22 Back-to-School
RFA Documentation
Primary Application Materials
- Cohort 9 RFA (Word)
- Cohort 10 RFA (Word)
- Cohort 11 RFA (Word)
Collaborative Partners Feedback
Templates and Forms
- 21st CCLC Center Expectation and Principal Signoff Form (Word)
- Grant Award Reduction Request Form (Word) Due no later than March 31 each year
- 21st CCLC Teacher Survey - Cohort 8, Cohort 9, and E2 OST (Word)
- 21st CCLC Nonpublic School Consultation Form (Word)
- 2023: Nonpublic School Building Codes (Excel)
- Field Trip Approval Form (Word)
Monitoring Documents and Processes
In accordance with ESSA Sec. 4205(b)(1), 21st CCLC programs are required to conduct ongoing monitoring and evaluation to assess progress towards achieving the goal of providing high quality opportunities for academic enrichment and to provide evidence that the program helps students meet the State and local student academic achievement standards.
Program Monitoring:
CDE will monitor subgrantees' grant program compliance on a regular basis through reviewing and approving fiscal and program reports, performing desk reviews, and conducting onsite visits and interviews.
CDE will conduct at least two onsite visits to every funded center during the grant performance period. The first visit will be an orientation visit, occurring within the first year of programming. The second onsite visit will be a monitoring visit to evaluate the subgrantee’s program. Additional visits may occur based on results from ongoing monitoring and risk analysis conducted by CDE. The purpose of the onsite visits is to validate information provided in fiscal and program reports, and to gather more detailed information on implementation efforts and program quality.
The following documents may be helpful as subgrantees prepare for CDE's 21st CCLC onsite monitoring visits for Cohort 9 and Cohort E2 OST:
- Monitoring Process Overview
- Syncplicity Instructions - step-by-step guide for submitting documents prior to the onsite visit
- Monitoring Visit Confirmation Form – submitted by the Program Director to confirm the onsite visit details
- OST Observational Instrument – to be completed by the Program Director prior to the onsite visit
- Interview Questionnaire - list of questions by stakeholder group used for the onsite interviews
- Monitoring and Compliance Template - used to assess compliance and includes list of all necessary supporting documentation
- New! Monitoring Overview Webinar
Prior to an onsite visit, subgrantees are required to submit all relevant information and supporting documentation that will allow CDE to conduct an efficient and effective visit. A report of findings and recommendations for next steps for program improvement will be available to the 21st CCLC Program Directors approximately 60 days following the onsite monitoring visit.
For additional information, please contact your assigned consultant.
Anna Young - Out-of-School Time (OST) Manager | (720) 614-8666
Cody Buchanan - OST Program Development Specialist | (720) 614-8665
Jacqueline Chavez - OST Programs and Partnership Specialist | (720) 557-4655
Shannon Allen - OST Programs and Partnership Specialist | (720) 498-4675
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