2020 Colorado Academic Standards - Comprehensive Health

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

1. Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy foods.

LDE Code: CH.P.2.1

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. Distinguish food on a continuum from most healthy to least healthy.
b. Demonstrate the ability to identify and choose a healthy food choice.
c. Recognize the benefits of choosing a healthy food.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. Model and talk about eating healthy foods and how healthy foods make you feel.
2. Support children in discovering different food preferences represented by the families in the classroom and community.
3. Talk about the different foods groups and what food groups we need more or less of in a day.
4. Provide a variety of healthy food choices for children to taste and also allow for children to decline eating.
5. Support alternative healthy food during celebrations and non-food rewards.
6. Ensure that a variety of healthy foods are provided during celebrations and special events.
7. Portion plates are provided in the dramatic play area along with a variety of play foods including foods from different cultures, especially those foods representative of the classroom and community.
8. Provide cooking experiences that children participate in.

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. During snack time the child comments on the apple on the plate by saying "Look, Mr. Bob, we have a healthy snacks today. There's some carrots and hummus."
2. During snack time, Ms. Ling talks with children about the different choices for snack and how a food like an apple gives us more energy and helps us grow.
3. Children sort food items into food groups.
4. During read aloud the adult reads a book on bread from all around the world. The adult asks the children what type of bread the children eat in their home. The children respond with "bagels, tortillas, naan, rice, etc."
5. In the science area, children point to the food chart visual and recognize and comment on the less healthy foods saying "we eat a little of these items to be healthy."

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

2. Develop self-management skills and personal hygiene skills to promote healthy habit.

LDE Code: CH.P.2.2

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. Complete personal care tasks such as using clean tissues, washing hands, handling food hygienically, brushing teeth, and choosing appropriate clothing for the weather.
b. Prevent or reduce the spreading of germs such as covering the mouth for coughing and sneezing, not putting toys in the mouth, and not sharing drinks and food.
c. Understand that personal hygiene is an important step in the prevention of disease and illness.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. Introduce how to use different technology such as "hands-free" water faucets, soap and towel dispensers and toilets.
2. Post a visual on the steps for hand washing.
3. Ensure toilets, drinking water and hand washing facilities are easily accessible to children and staff. Sinks and toilets are either child-sized or made accessible by non-slip stools.
4. Model washing their hands with soap and water before feeding, preparing or serving food.
5. Adults supervise and assist children with washing hands, handling food and brushing teeth developing classroom and personal routines as appropriate.
6. Ensure soap and disposable towels are provided within a child's reach at all sinks to promote independence.
7. Ensure extra jackets, gloves, hats, and boots are kept on hand so that children who arrive without appropriate attire will still be able to participate.

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. Independently brush their teeth after eating using the proper steps.
2. Mr. Bob supports Matab in thinking what clothing she needs for the weather outside today.
3. Mrs. Ramirez reminds Abraham to wash his hands before going to the snack center.
4. Abraham refers to the hand washing chart as he independently goes through and follows the hand washing steps.
5. During the cooking activity, Almir reminds the other children to wash their hands before they start the activity.
6. After breakfast, Miss Lupe places toothpaste in small cups for the children. The children are called over in pairs to brush their teeth as she assists and supervises them.

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

1. Children develop healthy relationships and interactions with adults and peers.

LDE Code: CH.P.3.1

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. Communicate with familiar adults and accept or request guidance.
b. Cooperate with others.
c. Develop friendships with peers.
d. Establish secure relationships with adults.
e. Use socially appropriate behavior with peers and adults, such as helping, sharing and taking turns.
f. Resolve conflict with peers alone and/or with adult intervention as appropriate.
g. Recognize and label others' emotions.
h. Express empathy and sympathy to peers.
i. Recognize how actions affect others and accept consequences of one's action.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. Model positive ways to interact with others.
2. Provide opportunities for children to understand and discuss their feelings and those of others (i.e. show empathy).
3. Help children see the effect of their behavior on others and help them resolve conflicts.
4. Model asking for and understanding viewpoints and opinions of others. For example, a teacher may kneel between two children in conflict over classroom materials and comment, "I'm looking at Jason's face and I notice his tight lips and wonder if he is angry."
5. Accept silence and quiet observation as a proper way for some children to participate, especially when they first join your class.
6. Embed learning of friendships skills such as taking turns, exchanging toys, entering a playgroup, and resolving conflict daily in the classroom.
7. Comments on a specific behavior using positive descriptive praise. ("You stayed with the puzzle until you finished! That is great persistence-sticking with a difficult activity.")

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. During large group time, the adult asks Lamar and Antonia to share how they solved their problem of both children wanting to use the tree blocks to build. Lamar responds "We used our solutions and took turns!"
2. During a small group activity the adult asks children to provide examples of when a friend helped you. Jamie responds "Edgar helped me zip up my coat. He is good at zipping."
3. The adult role plays, with puppets, a scenario of a child taking a toy from another child. The adult asks "How might that make Gwen feel, when Gabby took away her toy?" Nicholas responds with "Gwen would feel sad."

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

2. Children develop self-concept and self-efficacy skills.

LDE Code: CH.P.3.2

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. Identify personal characteristics, preferences, thoughts and feelings.
b. Demonstrate age-appropriate independence in a range of activities, routines and tasks.
c. Show confidence in a range of abilities and in the capacity to accomplish tasks and take on new tasks.
d. Demonstrate age appropriate independence in decision-making regarding activities and materials.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. Encourage children to try new things by sharing and learning together.
2. Provide materials and activities to further learning at the child's developmental level and to foster feelings of competence.
3. Observe for children's interests and plan learning activities to support them.
4. Support children's awareness of pride in their cultural heritage (e.g., adult learns and utilizes child's home language, adult reads multicultural books).
5. Listen to what children are saying and show you value their opinions by acknowledging them and building on their ideas.
6. Provide choices in materials and activities to further learning at the child's developmental level (e.g., open-ended art materials, knobbed puzzles, child-sized manipulatives).
7. Accept silence or quiet observation as a proper way for some children to participate, especially when they first join your class.
8. Use open-ended questions such as " What would happen if…? "," How would you feel if…? "," What would you do if…? "

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. Provide opportunities for children to understand similarities and differences with each other.
2. During the preschool day, children put on their coat, hat and gloves, wash their hands and serve themselves a snack. When needed, an adult scaffolds children's abilities to be independent.
3. As part of planning time, Marek discusses his plan for work time.
4. During large group time, the adult provides opportunities for community building. Abby talks about her favorite pet kitty. Marco shares his favorite ice cream and Leo talks about his nana in Arizona.

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

3. Children develop self-regulation skills.

LDE Code: CH.P.3.3

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. Recognize and label emotions.
b. Handle impulses and behavior with minimal direction.
c. Follow simple rules, routines and directions.
d. Shift attention between tasks and move through transitions with minimal direction from adults.
e. Attend to free play activities for longer periods of time.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. Make a cozy, safe area where children can be alone if they wish.
2. Establish, explain and model flexible routines (e.g., a naptime routine, snack and meal routines, transitions, and small group time expectations) in terms children can understand including songs, rhymes, and pictures.
3. Be aware that children from different cultures may interpret a single action by an adult to have different meanings. For example, an adult may point a finger to signal where she wants the child to go, but some children may think she is reprimanding them, singling them out for some reason, or saying she wants "one" of something (since she has one finger out).
4. Provide physical environments, schedules, social stories, solution tools, routines that promote self-regulation and self-control.
5. Provide physical environments, daily schedules, and a variety of open-ended materials that support children in spending the majority of their day in purposeful, unstructured play to ensure children have ample opportunity to make choices and direct their own play.
6. Modify the environment for children who have sensory issues and may be affected by noise, lights or movement.

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. Listen to/discuss books about emotions and respond to situations in stories that evoke emotions.
2. Identify emotions in photographs of other children and adults.
3. Create drawings, paintings, collages or a class book about emotions.
4. Engage in decision making throughout the day including choice of materials, centers and play partners.
5. Practice waiting for short periods of time such as waiting for a turn to pour milk at a meal or waiting for a peer to finish using the scissors while rolling and cutting play-dough.

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

4. Children develop a healthy range of emotional expressions and learn positive alternatives to aggressive or isolating behaviors.

LDE Code: CH.P.3.4

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. Express a range of emotions appropriately, such as excitement, happiness, sadness, and fear.
b. Refrain from disruptive behavior, aggressive, angry, or defiant behaviors.
c. Adapt to new environments with appropriate emotions and behaviors.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. Provide tasks in which the goal is trying different strategies or solutions rather than right or wrong answers.
2. Be aware that ways of expressing feelings, such as excitement, anger, happiness, frustration and sadness, differ in various cultures.
3. Observe for and verbally describe strategies that children are already using to express and manage emotions. Provide constructive and connected learning experiences that build upon those strategies.

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. Talk about and model ways children can express emotions without harming themselves, others, or property (e.g., using calm down techniques such as cozy corner, breathing exercises, using pounding toys, manipulating playdough or talking to an adult).
2. Reflect on personal experiences that evoked strong emotions.
3. Experiment with new materials and activities without fear of making mistakes.
4. Act out powerful emotions (e.g., fear, anger) through dramatic play.
5. Engage with peers and teachers appropriately, demonstrating socially acceptable behaviors.

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

1. Identify ways to be safe while at play.

LDE Code: CH.P.4.1

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. State how to be a safe walking across the street.
b. Follow basic health and safety rules inside and outside the classroom.
c. Communicate to a parent or trusted adult if something is not safe.
d. Communicate and understanding the importance of health and safety routines and rules.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. After breakfast, Miss Lupe places toothpaste in small cups for the children. The children are called over in pairs to brush their teeth as she assists and supervises them.
2. Identify situations in the classroom, school, and community that may be unsafe and discuss how to make them safe or prevent injuries.
3. Provide opportunities for children's participation in creating safety rules.
4. Provide accommodations and adaptations for children with disabilities in the classroom and outside so all children can participate in the activities.
5. Establish routines that instill responsibility for keeping the learning environment clean and safe.
6. During the day, the adult reminds the children of specific rules.

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. Chu communicates to the adult that he found glass on the playground.
2. Ruby reminds Vlad to wear his helmet when riding the tricycle so that his head is safe if he falls.
3. During the class meeting, children contribute ideas on how to safely use the playground equipment.
4. On the way to the library, Miss Emelia reminds the children (as a group) to stop at the crosswalk, then asks the lead child to check both ways for oncoming traffic before walking across the street.
5. During a class meeting, Mr. Ben and the preschool children create a list of safe ways to use the playground equipment as well as discussing why certain types of play might be more likely to cause injuries. Together they decide that not walking too close to the swings is an important rule. Thomas suggests that they create a line in front of the swings using a jump rope so that everyone knows not to come too close.
6. Paul waits for Sarah to move away from the base of the slide before he slides down.

# Comprehensive Health

## Preschool, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:

2. Identify the importance of respecting the personal space and boundaries of self and others.

LDE Code: CH.P.4.2

#### Indicators of Progress

##### By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 years old), students may:

a. Begin to understand the importance of personal space.
b. Explain the importance of personal space in the classroom and around others.
c. Explain that each person has the right to tell others not to touch his or her body.
d. Identify "appropriate" and "inappropriate" touches.
e. Identify characteristics of a trusted adult.
f. Seek out a parent or trusted adult for support in resolving an unwanted action or feeling they have experienced.

#### Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning Experiences

##### Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May:

1. Model respect for individuals by asking permission to hug, hold hands, help with personal hygiene and dressing.
2. Adults are aware of children at all times and intervene when there is unwanted physical touching between children.
3. During large group, the adult helps define children's personal space by providing individual carpet square.
4. The adult is careful to encourage children's participation in group activities, but respects a child's right to decline.
5. Read stories/discuss standing up for yourself and seeking out adult support when needed.

##### Examples of Learning/Children May:

1. During outdoor time, Dowa says to Malia "I don't like you pulling my arm."
2. During large group time, the children grab their carpet square and use them to define their personal space.
3. Ask the adult for help with a conflict or tell the adult about something they have experienced that they didn't like.

# Comprehensive Health

## Kindergarten, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Identify the major food groups and the benefits of eating a variety of foods.

GLE Code: CH.K.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Recognize major food groups.
b. Identify foods and beverages that are healthy choices.
c. Explain how food is fuel and that different activities need different fuel.
d. Explain the health benefits of choosing healthy foods and beverages.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Compare how automobiles run on gasoline as fuel, humans rely on food as fuel. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Explore why different people like different foods (culture, geography, family). (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Describe how foods provide nutrients that give energy for daily activities and are necessary for proper growth and good health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do healthy foods help your body?
2. How does food fuel our bodies?
3. What would happen to your body if you ate only cookies and candy?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-Making

# Comprehensive Health

## Kindergarten, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Explain how personal hygiene and cleanliness affect wellness.

GLE Code: CH.K.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe how proper hand washing is important to being healthy.
b. Explain why bathing and hygiene are important for good health.
c. Explain positive outcomes from brushing and flossing teeth daily.
d. Demonstrate steps for proper hand washing, brushing, and flossing of teeth.
e. Explain why sleep and rest are important for proper growth and good health.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Predict how lack of sleep affects concentration and mood. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Explore how hygiene promotes good health and reduces the spread of germs. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
3. Analyze how individual behaviors can affect others. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What does it mean to have good hygiene?
2. How would your teeth look and feel if you did not brush them?
3. What if nobody ever washed their hands?
4. How does sleep affect the way you feel?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Kindergarten, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Recognize the relationship between emotions and actions.

GLE Code: CH.K.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate ways to show respect, consideration, and care for others, such as saying please, thank you, and I'm sorry.
b. Identify a variety of emotions.
c. Recognize that feelings influence actions.
d. Identify and demonstrate appropriate ways to express emotions and cope with strong feelings.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how feelings affect behavior at home and at school. (Personal Skills: Self- Awareness)
2. Analyze how emotions influence behavior and how physical feeling are important to emotional and mental health. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
3. Demonstrating how effective communication skills can support students working together. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration/Teamwork)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How does the way I feel change how I act?
2. How do my actions affect others?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Kindergarten, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate how to effectively communicate and cooperate with others.

GLE Code: CH.K.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate effective listening skills.
b. Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills.
c. Demonstrate sharing with peers.
d. Demonstrate strategies to cooperate with others.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Collaborating with others, people must be able to listen and communicate effectively. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration/Teamwork)

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Kindergarten, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Explain the importance of respecting the personal space and boundaries of self and others.

GLE Code: CH.K.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify "appropriate" and "inappropriate" touches.
b. Identify characteristics of a trusted adult.
c. Demonstrate how to tell a parent or trusted adult if inappropriate touching occurs to self or others.
d. Explain the importance of personal space in the classroom and around others.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how situations, settings, cultures and individuals have varied rules about personal space. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Examine how boundaries are applied to nations, cities and people. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Demonstrate and understanding of why individuals have the right to personal space and boundaries. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
4. Identify when it is appropriate and demonstrate how to communicate with a trusted adult. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What is personal space?
2. Why might one person's personal space be different from another person's?
3. What would it be like if nobody respected anybody else?
4. What is privacy?
5. Can verbal comments intrude on your personal space?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Kindergarten, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Explain safe behavior as a pedestrian and with motor vehicles.

GLE Code: CH.K.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain safe behavior when getting on and off and while riding on school buses.
b. Explain the importance of riding in the back seat and using safety belts and motor vehicle booster seats when one is a passenger in a motor vehicle.
c. Recognize and describe the meaning of traffic signs.
d. Describe how rules at school can help to prevent injuries.
e. Demonstrate safe pedestrian behaviors.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Examine how crosswalk and traffic signs change based on new research about how children see and react to symbols. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Identify how vehicles and streets are places with hazards and require careful attention. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
3. Identify personal strategies can be learned to develop and to avoid, reduce, and cope with unhealthy, risky, or potentially unsafe situations. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What are some things that can happen if everyone runs around and pushes each other?
2. What would it be like if there weren't any rules for cars or pedestrians?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Kindergarten, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate effective communication skills in unsafe situations.

GLE Code: CH.K.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal ways to ask a parent or trusted adult for help about an unsafe situation.
b. Describe how to call 911 or other emergency numbers for help.
c. Define and explain the dangerous use of weapons and how to tell a trusted adult if you see or hear about someone having a weapon.
d. Identify unsafe or risky situations around the home, school, and community.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify how other forms of technology can be used to communicate in an emergency situation. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Apply effective communication skills in an emergency situation using both verbal, nonverbal, and various technologies. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
3. Identify how personal strategies that can be used to develop, avoid, reduce, and cope with unhealthy, risky, or potentially unsafe situations. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What would happen if you were lost and you didn't know how to ask for help?
2. What would you do if you found a gun?
3. In addition to a phone, how else could you get help when you are at home? In a car?
4. Without using words, what are ways you could let someone know you need help?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility
3. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## First Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Identify a variety of foods from the different food groups that are vital to promote good health.

GLE Code: CH.1.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Categorize foods into the major food groups.
b. Identify a variety of foods in each of the food groups that are healthy choices.
c. Identify foods and beverages that are high in added sugar, and generate examples of healthy alternatives.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Compare how different tastes, colors, smells, and textures of foods provide sensory experiences that add or take away from enjoying what we eat. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Explain how eating a variety of nutritious foods helps to maintain a healthy body. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why is it helpful to know which major food group a food belongs to?
2. What if all the foods you ate came from only one food group?
3. What if all foods looked and tasted exactly the same?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-Making

# Comprehensive Health

## First Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate health-enhancing behaviors to prevent injury or illness.

GLE Code: CH.1.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe ways to prevent harmful effects of overexposure to the sun and loud noise.
b. Describe the symptoms that occur with a cold and/or flu.
c. Demonstrate ways to prevent the spread of germs that cause common, infectious diseases.
d. Describe steps to treat a wound, insect bite or sting to reduce chances of infection.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how you can protect the eyes from injury and damage. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
2. Predict why soaps and tissues help prevent the spread of germs. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
3. Determine what products scientists have developed to limit sun exposure. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What are some activities that increase your risk of sun damage?
2. What if we lived in a place that had loud noises all the time?
3. How does a person get a cold?
4. Why do surgeons scrub their hands and put on gloves prior to surgery?
5. Why do we clean our wounds before putting a bandage on?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## First Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Demonstrate how to express emotions in healthy ways.

GLE Code: CH.1.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain possible causes for a variety of emotions.
b. Identify appropriate ways to express emotions and cope with strong feelings.
c. Demonstrate effective listening skills and verbal/nonverbal communication skills.
d. Describe and practice situations that require polite and empathetic responses such as please, thank you, and I'm sorry.
e. Demonstrate strategies to resolve conflicts, such as sharing, collaboration, and appropriately advocating for personal needs.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Examine how people express their emotions in a variety of ways. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
2. Explain how playing games with others can be one way to learn how to express emotions. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
3. Expressing emotions in appropriate ways is a lifelong skill for school, work, and family. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How does a person control their feelings?
2. Why is it important to be a good listener?
3. How can I show someone I am listening to them?
4. Why is it hard to stop arguing with someone else when you disagree

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## First Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Identify parents, guardians, and other trusted adults as resources for information about health.

GLE Code: CH.1.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify trusted adults at home and at school.
b. Identify trusted adults who promote health such as health care providers.
c. Demonstrate the ability to talk about feelings with parents and other trusted adults.
d. Demonstrate the ability to ask for help from a parent and/or trusted adults.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. School, health care sites, community, and spiritual centers are places where help might be found. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)
2. Asking for help and health information is a lifelong skill. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Who are your trusted adults?
2. Why should you ask an adult for help?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Interpersonal Communication
3. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## First Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Explain why bullying is harmful and how to respond appropriately.

GLE Code: CH.1.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Understand why it is wrong to tease others.
b. Identify why making fun of others is harmful to self and others.
c. Explain what to do if you or someone else is being bullied.
d. Describe the difference between bullying and having a strong disagreement between people.
e. Describe the difference between telling and tattling.
f. Describe how you would advocate for yourself and others in a bullying situation.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify certain times and situations when a parent or adult needs to be told about another person's behaviors. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. If it's just "making fun" then how can it be harmful?
2. How do you feel when someone disagrees with you?
3. What do you do when someone disagrees with you?
4. What are some good reasons to tell the teacher what another student is doing?
5. Why is it important to stand up for yourself?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## First Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate strategies to avoid hazards in the home and community.

GLE Code: CH.1.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify safety hazards such as poison, fire, guns, water, playground equipment, and household products in the home and community.
b. Identify household products or drugs that may be harmful if ingested or inhaled (including marijuana edibles).
c. Explain why using medicines without adult permission can be harmful.
d. Describe how to safely ride a bike, skateboard, and scooter as well use inline skates.
e. Demonstrate strategies to avoid fires and burns (Stop, drop, and roll).
f. Demonstrate how to call 911 or other emergency numbers for help in dangerous situations.
g. Identify safety rules and strategies to avoid hazards in the home and community, such as, fire, severe weather, power lines, and pool use.
h. Identify safety rules around modern technology, including the internet.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain why everyone has a responsibility to practice strategies to prevent fires from starting and to prevent fire from spreading. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
2. Explore how professional responders practice how to quickly help in an emergency. (Professional Skills: Career Awareness)
3. Compare and contrast different types of hazards that children in other countries or communities may need to be aware of. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Identify concepts and skills to avoid potential hazards and respond appropriately. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why is it important to know the difference between what we can and cannot ingest?
2. Why is it important to follow traffic signs and pedestrian safety rules when riding a bike, skateboard, scooter, or inline skates?
3. What could happen if you were camping, there was a campfire, and everyone decided to leave and go for a hike without putting the fire out first?
4. Why is it important to wear safety equipment?
5. How do you know when an emergency is occurring?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility
2. Interpersonal Communication:

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Identify eating and drinking behaviors that contribute to maintaining good health.

GLE Code: CH.2.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain the importance of choosing healthy foods and beverages.
b. Identify the benefits of drinking plenty of water.
c. Describe the benefits of eating breakfast every day.
d. Identify a variety of healthy snacks.
e. Understand that the body exhibits signals that tell people when they are hungry and when they are full.
f. Identify the recommended serving size and sugar content found on a nutritional label.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain why water is essential for optimal body functioning. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Critique why a healthy diet, which includes eating breakfast, helps provide the energy you need to move, think clearly, and solve problems throughout the day. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Compare a healthy, balanced diet which includes eating appropriate portion sizes from multiple food groups throughout the day to a diet that is not balanced. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why do many people claim that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?
2. Why is it important to pay attention to your body when it feels hungry or full?
3. What are the benefits to your of body drinking water?
4. Where would you find nutritional information when a label is not available?
5. Why is it important to know the recommended serving size of foods and beverages?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-Making
2. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Recognize basic childhood chronic diseases.

GLE Code: CH.2.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify problems associated with common childhood chronic diseases or conditions, including but not limited to asthma, allergies, type-1 diabetes, and epilepsy.
b. Communicate concern to a parent or trusted adult when a person is having an allergic reaction or difficulty breathing.
c. Identify the purpose of vaccinations.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify common food allergies and the importance of understanding how to decrease exposure to allergens. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
2. Determine the signs of someone who is having difficulty breathing or is not responding, and how to seek help. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can you tell if someone is having an allergic reaction?
2. What actions might you take if you saw a person who was having trouble breathing?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication:
2. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Utilize knowledge and skills to develop a positive self-concept.

GLE Code: CH.2.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify the characteristics of someone who has personal qualities that are important to you.
b. Identify the personal traits that best represent who you are and why they are important.
c. Describe the importance of being aware of one's own feelings and of being sensitive to the feelings of others.
d. Express intentions to treat self with care and respect.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain how positive qualities and traits of a person can help someone have a better understanding of their own self. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
2. Identify some ways to express emotions appropriately, and how to treat yourself and others with respect. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What does self-respect look like?
2. What if no one respected your space, property, or feelings?
3. What would you do to treat yourself with care and respect?
4. Would eating ice cream demonstrate care and respect for yourself?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Utilize knowledge and skills to develop an awareness of others and maintain healthy relationships.

GLE Code: CH.2.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Summarize the importance of respecting the personal space and boundaries of others.
b. Discuss the importance of thinking about the effects of one's actions on other people.
c. Describe how you will use pro-social behaviors such as cooperation, being sensitive to the feelings of others, helping others, and being respectful of others.
d. Describe the benefits of a friendship.
e. Describe how to make and maintain friendships.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Demonstrate how people can show respect to others (e.g., respect their personal space and boundaries). (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
2. Identify how qualities of healthy relationships, like cooperation and respecting others can help people develop and maintain friendships. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration/Teamwork)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Do my actions always affect others?
2. Do I have to be friends with everyone?
3. Are all friendships the same?
4. How do we know how other people are feeling?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication:
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Identify the dangers of using tobacco and marijuana products and exposure to secondhand smoke.

GLE Code: CH.2.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe the dangers of using tobacco or non-prescribed marijuana.
b. State reasons why and identify strategies to avoid secondhand smoke from tobacco and marijuana.
c. Demonstrate the ability to assertively refuse an unwanted item or pressure from a peer.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Determine the impact of tobacco and marijuana on the body's ability to function normally. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)
2. Explain how secondhand smoke impacts air quality. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Evaluate how effective communication skills enhance a person's ability to express wants and defend their beliefs. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why do people choose to smoke when they know it is bad for them?
2. Why is it important to be able to refuse something that you do not want?
3. What might happen if I saw a friend pick up a cigarette and I didn't say anything...I just walked away?
4. What can you do if someone is smoking and it is bothering you?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Identify safe and proper use of household products.

GLE Code: CH.2.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Access information regarding safe and proper household products (e.g., using trusted adults, warning symbols on labels).
b. Explain that taking medications incorrectly can be harmful, including vitamins.
c. Articulate the proper and safe use of products and substances found in the home that can be harmful if used inappropriately.
d. Identify the dangers of edible marijuana or tobacco products.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain the role of a pharmacists and how they protect individuals from unsafe substances or mistaken consumption of medications. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Identify what new technologies are being developed to prevent unintentional poisoning. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Examine why medicines must be used correctly in order to be safe and have maximum benefit. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What could happen if there were not any labels on medicines, foods, vitamins, or other household products?
2. What are the warning symbols that indicate that a product or substance may be harmful? (e.g., poison, flammable, marijuana)
3. How can you identify the intended purpose of a household product?
4. How do you know the difference between food that is safe to eat and an edible tobacco or marijuana product?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate how to respond appropriately to various types of bullying.

GLE Code: CH.2.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify examples of physical bullying.
b. Identify examples of social bullying (e.g., rumors, gossiping, excluding others).
c. Describe the difference between verbal and nonverbal bullying (e.g., dirty looks, sticking out the tongue).
d. Identify why making fun of others is harmful to self and others.
e. Explain how to advocate for yourself and someone else who is being bullied.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify the professionals who can help when someone is being bullied or teased, including but not limited to counselors, psychologists, police, or trusted adults. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)
2. Discuss why tolerance, appreciation, and understanding of diversity are important skills to learn and practice. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why are people mean and cruel to other people?
2. How do people respond to others who are mean and cruel?
3. Is being mean to a friend different from being mean to someone else?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication:
2. Advocacy for Self and Others:

# Comprehensive Health

## Second Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills to prevent injury or to ask for help in an emergency or unsafe situation.

GLE Code: CH.2.4.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate how to make a decision to call 911 or other emergency numbers for help.
b. Demonstrate effective refusal skills to avoid unsafe situations.
c. Describe the use of safety equipment for specific activities and sports such as biking.
d. Identify ways to reduce or prevent the risk of injuries around water.
e. Develop an awareness of how modern technology can create a distraction that leads to unsafe situations (e.g., looking down in a crowd, unaware of traffic, awareness of others).

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how first responders personnel consider situations from a variety of aspects. (Professional Skills: Career Awareness)
2. Develop a plan for preventing injuries through preparation and communication. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
3. Explore how Coast Guard and lifeguards are equipped to prevent and provide help in a water safety situation. (Professional Skills: Career Awareness)
4. A 911 operator is trained to send help in an emergency and provide help over the phone. (Professional Skills: Career Awareness)
5. Take personal responsibility to use safety equipment, such as helmets, knee pads, and life jackets, to help prevent unintentional injuries. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do I know when to call 911?
2. What do individuals do when they need to communicate and they cannot speak?
3. What are the decisions made by emergency workers?
4. What happens if a player does not wear a helmet or knee pads?
5. Why is it important to be careful around water?
6. Why do lifeguards say "walk don't run" at swimming pools?
7. Why is looking down at your phone or tablet while walking in a parking lot dangerous?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication:
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility
3. Decision-Making

# Comprehensive Health

## Third Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Demonstrate the ability to make and communicate appropriate food choices.

GLE Code: CH.3.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe a variety of nutritious breakfast foods.
b. Plan a meal based on the food groups.
c. Explain the concepts of eating in moderation.
d. Demonstrate refusal skills in dealing with unhealthy eating situations.
e. Identify how family, peers, and media influence healthy eating.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain how eating healthy portions when you are hungry and stopping when you are full can help you meet your energy needs and avoid overeating. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
2. Analyze messages about healthy eating that are abundant and require accurate information to discern them. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
3. Persistence and resilience can be demonstrated through resisting unhealthy eating situations in order to focus on eating healthy. (Personal Skills: Perseverance/Resilience)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What is a healthy portion size? Can an appropriate portion size vary for individuals?
2. What kinds of foods would be best for you to eat for breakfast? Why?
3. How can students eat a balanced diet if food choices are limited at school and home?
4. How can the things that you see on television or in magazines influence your feelings and choices about food?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Third Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Utilize knowledge and skills to treat self and others with care and respect.

GLE Code: CH.3.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify the characteristics of someone who has self-respect and positive self-esteem.
b. Acknowledge the value of personal and others' talents and strengths.
c. Summarize the importance of respecting the personal space and boundaries of others.
d. Discuss the importance of treating others the way you would like to be treated.
e. Give examples of skills that develop and maintain healthy relationships as well as strong friendships.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Assess how being a contributor to the neighborhood is an actionable way to show care. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)
2. Examine how individual actions can impact a school and community. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
3. Analyze how positive self-esteem and respect for others benefits healthy relationships and strong friendships. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What does self-esteem look like?
2. What if everyone had the same talents and strengths?
3. Do we communicate with all of our friends the same way?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Third Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills to support positive interactions with families, peers, and others.

GLE Code: CH.3.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication skills necessary to express emotions, personal needs, and wants in a healthy way.
b. Describe positive ways to show care, consideration, and concern for others.
c. Identify how to show respect for individual differences.
d. Demonstrate how to communicate about personal boundaries directly, respectfully, and assertively.
e. Identify potential conflicts that arise within relationships and strategies to resolve those conflicts.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain how feelings can be expressed in verbal and nonverbal ways. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
2. Investigate online groups and how they can provide support and care for self and others. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)
3. Demonstrate positive communication that enhances mental and emotional well -being. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
4. Practice valuing different perspectives in order to resolve conflicts and reach workable solutions. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can a shy person show how they are feeling?
2. Do you express feelings to friends, family, parents, adults, or strangers in the same way?
3. Should I tell someone if they make me feel bad? How would you do that?
4. Do you ever feel embarrassed by your feelings?
5. What if we were all the same?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Third Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Examine the dangers of using tobacco and marijuana products and exposure to secondhand smoke.

GLE Code: CH.3.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify the short- and long-term physical effects of using tobacco, marijuana, and exposure to secondhand smoke.
b. Describe the dangers of prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke and demonstrate strategies to avoid exposure.
c. Understand that marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can be addicting, but can be treated.
d. Describe the benefits of abstaining from or discontinuing tobacco and non-prescribed marijuana use.
e. Demonstrate the ability to assertively refuse an unwanted item.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Compare how drugs can be used for medicinal purposes and still be addictive and dangerous. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Explain how medical technology has identified the dangers of tobacco use. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communications Technologies)
3. Investigate how research has clearly established that tobacco has a variety of harmful effects on the body. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
4. Demonstrate how to handle impulses and assertively refuse an unwanted item. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How does tobacco affect the body?
2. What are some of the things that could happen if I just "tried" to smoke a cigarette, or chew tobacco?
3. Why are drug products that look like food products especially dangerous?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-Making
2. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Third Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Describe pro-social behaviors and skills that enhance healthy interactions with others.

GLE Code: CH.3.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Give examples of pro-social behaviors such as helping others, being respectful of others, cooperation, consideration and being kind.
b. Set a goal and a plan to be helpful and supportive to another person at school or at home.
c. Describe how responding to anger can be positive and/or negative.
d. Demonstrate strategies for self-control that can manage anger and other strong feelings in positive ways.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Apply pro-social behaviors when working together and collaborating. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration/Teamwork)
2. Demonstrate self-control to manage anger. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
3. Explain how tolerance, appreciation, and understanding of diversity are important when collaborating. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How would it feel if you were teased for having a certain eye color?
2. How do you feel when you are helpful to others?
3. Why do people get angry?
4. Is anger a bad thing?
5. Is it OK to not be friends with everyone?

##### Health Skills:

1. Goal Setting:
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Third Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Identify ways to prevent injuries at home, in school, and in the community.

GLE Code: CH.3.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Define how injuries can occur at home, in school and in the community.
b. Create a personal safety plan and explain how it will be used at home, in school, and in the community (e.g., bike safety, pedestrian safety, emergency situations).
c. Identify safety rules around modern technology, including the internet.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain why safety is the responsibility of all members of a community. (Civic Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Create safety plans that can save lives and prevent injuries. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Is it important to pre-plan for safety?
2. How do pedestrians stay safe from motor vehicles and bicycles?
3. What would be important to put in a safety plan?
4. Is it safe to put your personal information on social media?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Demonstrate the ability to set a goal in order to enhance personal nutrition.

GLE Code: CH.4.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Set a goal to improve food choices based on appropriate nutritional content, value, and calories.
b. Explain the importance of eating a variety of foods from all the food groups.
c. Identify healthy foods (including snacks) in appropriate portion sizes based on your personal lifestyle.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how healthy foods provide nutrients that in turn provide you energy for daily activities. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Explain how nutrients are necessary for good health and proper growth and development. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
3. Demonstrate how to set a goal to eat a balanced diet such as eating a variety of healthy foods within and across the major food groups. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can your personal goals for healthy eating work within the choices of food available to you at home and at school?
2. If two foods have the same amount of calories, are they equally healthy for you? Why or why not?
3. Do all foods help your body in the same ways? Why or why not?
4. How does your lifestyle impact whether a portion size is appropriate?

##### Health Skills:

1. Goal-Setting

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Describe the connection between food intake and physical health.

GLE Code: CH.4.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain that both eating habits and level of physical activity affect a person's overall well-being and ability to learn.
b. Explain body signals that tell people when they are hungry and when they are full.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Describe how daily physical activity can make a person feel more awake, better able to concentrate, and full of energy. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
2. Explain how healthy food choices and exercise can positively affect brain function and physical and emotional health. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
3. Analyze the cause-and-effect relationship between eating healthy portions when you are hungry and stopping when you are full to help you meet your energy needs and avoid overeating. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
4. Describe how personal life choices impact unhealthy weight. (Personal Skills: Self-Management)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why do most people feel better after they eat?
2. Why do some people eat even if they are not hungry?
3. What is the benefit of increased physical activity for your overall health?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Explain how the dimensions of wellness are interrelated and impact personal health.

GLE Code: CH.4.2.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain the physical, social, and emotional dimensions of personal health and wellness and how they interact.
b. Define wellness.
c. Assess how modern technology can impact your social, emotional, and physical health and wellness.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain how personal behaviors that address the physical, social and emotional dimensions have a long-term effect on wellness. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
2. Apply health-related concepts and skills in everyday lifestyle behaviors. (Personal Skills: Initiative/ Self-Direction)
3. Evaluate the use of modern technology on the long-term effects on wellness. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What is wellness?
2. What are the benefits and consequences of our choices in terms of wellness?
3. Why does wellness sometimes require that we make changes to our current behaviors, relationships, or actions?
4. Can social media impact how you feel?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Identify positive behaviors that support healthy relationships.

GLE Code: CH.4.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Discuss factors that support healthy relationships with friends and family.
b. Discuss how culture and tradition influence personal and family structures.
c. Describe different kinds of families, and discuss how families can provide emotional support, set boundaries, and limits.
d. Identify the positive ways that peers and family members show support, care, and appreciation for one another.
e. Identify problem solving strategies to support healthy relationships.
f. Describe the importance of having and identifying a parent or trusted adult as a support.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Investigate how families interact differently in various parts of the world. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Explain how family members, peers, school personnel, and community members can support school success and responsible behavior. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Collaboration/Teamwork)
3. Demonstrate a sensitivity to differences and appreciation for diversity which are characteristics of good mental and emotional health. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Identify strategies to use in maintaining and supporting healthy relationships. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why are relationships with family and friends so important?
2. What is friendship?
3. How do your family's customs differ from those of your neighbor? Why is it important to learn about other traditions and values?
4. What conflicts could arise between friends and what strategies could you use to solve those problems?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Comprehend concepts related to stress and stress management.

GLE Code: CH.4.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify personal stressors at home, with friends, in school, and in the community.
b. List physical and emotional reactions to stressful situations.
c. Identify positive and negative ways of dealing with stress.
d. Identify when you should seek help from a trusted adult in dealing with stress.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Demonstrate positive stress management techniques that relieve and redirect stress. (Personal Skills: Initiative/Self-Direction)
2. Identify personal stressors and their physical and emotional reactions on the body. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
3. Explain how to advocate for yourself when experiencing stress responses of the body and brain. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What would school be like if there was no stress?
2. Can stress be positive?
3. Does being stressed out affect the way you think?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Identify positive and negative uses for medicines.

GLE Code: CH.4.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe the purpose of prescribed and over-the-counter medicines and how they can be used or misused in the treatment of common medical problems.
b. Demonstrate the ability to read, understand, and follow labels such as those on common household medicines.
c. Summarize the risks associated with the inappropriate use of over-the-counter medicines, prescriptions, and vitamins.
d. Describe the steps to take if over-the-counter or prescription drugs are used incorrectly.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Investigate how other cultures treat common medical problems in different ways. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global-Cultural Awareness)
2. Explain why doctors, nurses, trusted medical websites, and pharmacists provide guidance on proper use of medications. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
3. Summarize the effects of using medicines correctly and incorrectly. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What could happen if I misread a medicine label?
2. Is caffeine a harmful drug?
3. If vitamins are good for me, why would I need to be careful when taking them?
4. If someone in my family is sick and then I get sick with the exact same thing, can I take the same medication?
5. Other than drugs and alcohol, what else can you be addicted to (e.g., technology, relationships)?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to refuse or avoid using drugs (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).

GLE Code: CH.4.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal ways to refuse pressures to use marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
b. Describe strategies on how to avoid the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
c. Examine the factors that influence a person's decision to use or not to use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Demonstrate healthy interpersonal communication skills when conveying your personal health needs and wants. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
2. Explain how culture, media, and social pressures influence health behaviors and how you can resist the distractions. (Personal Skills: Perseverance/Resilience)
3. Identify the cause and effect relationship between drug use and making healthy decisions. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why is it important to know when to say "no," even when it's not popular?
2. Why is it important to know when to say "no," even when it's not popular?
3. Who or what impacts my ability to choose not to use drugs?
4. Why is it important for me to take personal responsibility for not using drugs?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Fourth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate skills necessary to prevent a conflict from escalating to violence.

GLE Code: CH.4.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate simple conflict resolution techniques to diffuse a potentially violent situation.
b. Describe situations that lead to violence, the consequences of violent behavior, and the importance of resolving conflict through effective communication skills.
c. Explain a more positive alternative than using violence to resolve a conflict.
d. Explain the potential dangers of having weapons at home, in school, and in the community.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify the physical and emotional consequences of violence and the significant impact they have on society. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Demonstrate effective conflict resolution skills. (Personal Skills: Adaptability/Flexibility)
3. Explain how effective communication and personal skills can develop, maintain, and enhance healthy behaviors. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What is conflict resolution?
2. What if there was no violence in the world?
3. How can you promote peaceful problem-solving?
4. How can the use of guns and other weapons be positive?
5. Do you always have to compromise to help solve a conflict?
6. Can social media create conflicts between people?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication: Conflict Resolution

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Demonstrate the ability to make good decisions about healthy eating behaviors.

GLE Code: CH.5.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Access valid information pertaining to fat, salt and sugar content in order to maintain good health and improve food choices.
b. Analyze the food and beverage choices of self or others to inform healthy behaviors.
c. Use current federal nutrition standards and guidelines to plan healthy meals and snacks.
d. Demonstrate how to politely advocate for foods that are more nutritious.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Eating healthy involves good decision-making skills, access to accurate information about healthy eating, and access to healthy foods. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
2. Explore how as the body matures, the amount of food and key nutrients change to support healthy systems and growth. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Examine how healthy eating is a personal responsibility and is challenged by the choices available to us. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How will you take control of your own healthy eating behaviors?
2. If broccoli were deep-fried, would it still be nutritious?
3. Is sugar bad? Why or why not?
4. Why do people tend to eat too much sugar, fat, and salt?
5. Is caffeine a healthy or unhealthy ingredient in foods and drinks?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Decision-Making
3. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Explain the structure, function and major parts of the human reproductive system.

GLE Code: CH.5.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Summarize the anatomy of the reproductive system, including functions of the male and female reproductive systems.
b. Describe the purpose of the menstrual cycle and its relationship to fertilization.
c. Explain that after fertilization, cells divide to create an embryo and then a fetus that grows and develops inside the uterus during pregnancy.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze why in nature, different animals have different gestation cycles. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Analyze the influences on the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur at puberty, including hormones, heredity, nutrition, and the environment. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What is optimal growth and development of a fetus?
2. How do twins occur?
3. What causes acne?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Describe the physical, social, and emotional changes that occur at puberty.

GLE Code: CH.5.2.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Discuss why puberty begins and ends at different ages for different people, and that variance is considered normal.
b. Identify how personal hygiene practices can impact health and safety during puberty.
c. Determine factors that influence the purchase of health care products and the use of personal hygiene practices.
d. Discuss how changes during puberty affect thoughts, emotions, growth patterns, and behaviors.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. There are many influences on one's physical, social, and emotional development at puberty, including hormones, heredity, nutrition, and the environment. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
2. Analyze why the onset age of puberty has changed over time due to factors that include changes in nutrition, access to medical care, and exposure to chemicals in the environment. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Demonstrate how tolerance, appreciation, and understanding of individual differences are critical during times of change. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Analyze factors influences on one's physical, social, and emotional development at puberty, including hormones, heredity, nutrition, and the environment. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why are some aspects of puberty "embarrassing"?
2. What is "normal"?
3. During puberty, what causes body hair to grow and a male's voice to change? What causes acne?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences
2. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills needed to discuss personal health problems to establish and maintain personal health and wellness.

GLE Code: CH.5.2.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Access valid and reliable sources of information including parents or trusted adults to answer questions about personal health.
b. Demonstrate effective communication strategies to talk to someone such as a parent, trusted adult, or health care provider.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Clearly communicating with a health care provider regarding needs is critical to receiving the best care possible. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
2. Identify why web-based health information sites can be useful, but should be examined for accuracy to avoid misinformation. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
3. Identify why interpersonal communication about health conditions and concerns is critical for prevention of disease and maintaining good health. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
4. Individuals need support when making decisions about when and with whom to discuss healthcare questions or concerns. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What could happen if I did not tell someone about my health condition?
2. Why is it important to ask for what I need?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

5. Comprehend concepts and identify strategies to prevent the transmission of disease.

GLE Code: CH.5.2.5

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Differentiate between communicable and non-communicable diseases.
b. Describe how the body fights germs and diseases naturally, with medicines, and through immunization.
c. Describe ways to prevent the spread of germs that cause infectious diseases through food, water, air, blood, touch, and animals.
d. Describe the effects of HIV infection on the body.
e. Explain how HIV is and is not contracted.
f. Explain that it is safe to be a friend of someone who has a disease or conditions that cannot be easily transmitted.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how technological advances assist with disease tracking and prevention. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
2. Identify how strategies to prevent transfer of germs and disease transmission and to control the severity of illnesses are available and have changed over time. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why did people die at a younger age in the early 1900s?
2. How can you avoid contact with germs?
3. How can you help your body fight germs?
4. How can you be sure not to spread germs?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Analyze internal and external factors that influence mental and emotional health.

GLE Code: CH.5.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe how feelings and emotions are portrayed in the media.
b. Identify how society, media, and the use of modern technology can influence mental and emotional health.
c. Explain how families and peers can influence mental and emotional health.
d. Identify ways to counteract negative influences that impact mental and emotional health.
e. Identify when it is appropriate to seek help/support during times of strong emotions/feelings.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how family, peers, and the media can influence a person's mental and emotional health. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Creating art and reflecting on the art products and processes, people can increase awareness of self and others and better cope with stress and traumatic experiences. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Examine how mental and emotional health can be affected by many influences so it is important to be able to recognize both positive and negative influences on our feelings and behavior. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can you control what you are feeling?
2. In what ways can others affect how you feel?
3. How does the media show us both appropriate and inappropriate models for feelings and emotions?
4. What is mental health?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Demonstrate the ability to make good decisions about drug use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.5.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify sources of accurate information about the effects of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana.
b. Analyze the dangers of use or experimentation with marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
c. Demonstrate a decision making process to make good decisions about the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
d. Describe the proper use of over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how technology has influenced credibility and availability of information. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
2. Identify key behavior associated with early mortality. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Compare and contrast varying cultural and religious beliefs surrounding alcohol and tobacco use. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Identify why making good health decisions requires the ability to evaluate reliable resources. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
5. Evaluate research on the benefits and harmful effects of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What would advertising look like if the media wasn't allowed to omit relevant, but revealing negative information about their product?
2. Are over the counter drugs safer than prescription drugs?
3. How would tobacco use or exposure affect your ability to exercise or play sports?
4. Why might someone else who uses marijuana want others to do so as well?
5. If adults can legally drink alcohol, how can it be harmful?
6. Can your body system continue to operate with a malfunctioning part (e.g., liver)?
7. How do new technologies influence drug use?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Decision Making

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate pro-social behaviors that reduce the likelihood of physical fighting, violence, and bullying.

GLE Code: CH.5.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify factors that influence both violent and nonviolent behaviors.
b. Explain the impact and the short- and long-term consequences of bullying, physical fighting, and violence.
c. Demonstrate pro-social communication skills and strategies to diffuse conflict and avoid violence.
d. Describe how to use social media to promote positive relationships.
e. Identify resources, including safe people, parents, or adults, who can help prevent or intervene in unsafe situations in the school and community.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how nonviolence has been used in conflicts. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Assess how bullying and violence can have long term emotional and physical consequences. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
3. Critique how culture, media and social influences affect violent and nonviolent behavior. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Investigate why and how individuals can take personal responsibility to develop, maintain, and enhance healthy behaviors. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
5. Identify the importance of evaluating reliable sources when analyzing influences. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why do people become violent?
2. Why is it important to report incidents of bullying and other unsafe situations?
3. What types of communication can help you avoid conflict?
4. How can we demonstrate appreciation and value for differences?
5. How do I know who to tell about an unsafe situation?
6. What are stereotypes? Why do people stereotype others?
7. Can making assumptions about people influence behavior?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication: Conflict Resolution/Negotiation Skills
2. Analyze Influences
3. Self - Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Fifth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate basic first aid and safety procedures.

GLE Code: CH.5.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify ways to reduce the risk of injuries from animal bites and insect stings.
b. Explain what to do, such as calling 911 or a poison control center, if someone is injured or is poisoned by products such as household cleaners or other substances.
c. Describe first aid procedures for a variety of situations, including insect stings, bites, poisoning, and choking.
d. Develop and apply a decision-making process for avoiding situations that could lead to injury.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore community resources that are available for basic first aid training. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
2. Knowing what to do in an emergency situation including providing basic first aid and/or seeking help is a lifelong skill that supports communities. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Which animals and insects can be dangerous?
2. What steps should you take to save someone from choking?
3. How do you decide what is dangerous to ingest?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility
2. Decision-Making

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Evaluate the validity and reliability of information, products, and services to enhance healthy eating behaviors.

GLE Code: CH.6.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Define valid and reliable as a means to access information that enhances healthy eating behaviors.
b. Evaluate the nutrition information on food labels to compare products.
c. Identify reliable and unreliable resources and information regarding healthy eating.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify how advertisements are designed to sell products not necessarily to provide accurate health information. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
2. Consider a full array of resources when determining lifelong healthy eating (e.g., family members, health professionals, organizations, books, dietary guidelines, internet sites, current applications). (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
3. Discriminating between false advertising and accurate information is crucial for lifelong healthy food choices. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do valid and reliable sources affect healthy eating behaviors?
2. Who has the final say on what is "healthy" food?
3. Does posting nutritional information on products and in restaurants change behavior?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Identify valid and reliable resources regarding qualities of healthy family and peer relationships.

GLE Code: CH.6.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe the benefits of healthy relationships.
b. Describe how peer and family relationships may change during adolescence.
c. Determine valid and reliable resources that enhance healthy relationships.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how technological advances provide increased opportunities to develop relationships. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
2. Discuss the various ways we communicate with one another and how that impacts human relationships. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
3. Relationships affect your physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
4. Understanding the various aspects of human relationships assists in making healthy choices. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What are the qualities of a healthy relationship?
2. How does it feel when a relationship ends?
3. How do I cope with conflict within my family or with my friends?
4. How do healthy relationships contribute to overall wellness?
5. Where would you go if you needed support with improving a struggling relationship?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Comprehend the relationship between feelings and actions during adolescence.

GLE Code: CH.6.2.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify sexual feelings common to young adolescents, and differentiate between having sexual feelings and acting on them.
b. Discuss possible physical, social, and emotional impacts of adolescent sexual activity.
c. Describe the need to have clear expectations, boundaries, and personal safety strategies.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how attitudes about sexuality are influenced by families, peers, and the media. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Analyze how relationships with friends and family members can influence decision-making in positive and negative ways. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Learn about sexuality and that discussing sexual issues is critical for health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
4. Discuss the many physical, emotional, and social implications associated with engaging in sexual activity. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why can sexual health be a difficult topic to discuss?
2. How does a person determine their beliefs around sexuality?
3. What is necessary to effectively communicate with a parent or trusted adult about sexual and reproductive health?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility
2. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Analyze how positive health behaviors can benefit people throughout their lifespan.

GLE Code: CH.6.2.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain the concept of nutrient-rich foods being balanced with physical activity.
b. Analyze the short- and long-term benefits and consequences of healthy eating and physical activity.
c. Summarize personal strategies for reducing environmental dangers to health (e.g., sun damage to skin, hearing loss, vision damage).
d. Explain the benefits of good hygiene practices for promoting health and maintaining social relationships.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how person's level of physical activity and nutritional choices drastically impacts physical, mental, social and emotional health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
2. Analyze how positive health behaviors are needed to maintain or improve a person's physical, mental, social and emotional well-being. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What positive behaviors can benefit a person's health?
2. Why are there so many health problems in the U.S. caused by poor nutrition and inactivity in spite of available information?
3. Why are there different levels of recommended physical activity for different ages and different activity levels?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility
2. Decision-Making

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Understand how to be mentally and emotionally healthy.

GLE Code: CH.6.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain the interrelationship of mental, emotional, and social health.
b. Analyze the relationship between thoughts, emotions, feelings and behavior.
c. Identify healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings.
d. Explain the causes, symptoms, and effects of stress, anxiety, sadness, and depression.
e. Identify when someone should seek help for sadness, hopelessness, and depression.
f. Identify emotions and feelings associated with loss and grief.
g. Explain how modern technology can have a positive and negative impact on mental and emotional health.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Teens must understand that the inter-relatedness of their physiology (e.g., brain development, chemistry) and emotions are connected. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Developing a sense of self-awareness around one's own feelings and of being sensitive to the feelings of others is an important part of a healthy human connection. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why do feelings affect behavior?
2. How can a person control their feelings?
3. How can the expression of feelings or emotions help or hurt you and others?
4. Are mental health problems as real/valid as other health problems?
5. How might the ability to identify your emotions be beneficial?
6. Can modern technology be beneficial to your emotional health?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health.

GLE Code: CH.6.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate refusal and negotiation skills that avoid or reduce health risks.
b. Demonstrate effective conflict management or resolution strategies.
c. Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.
d. Identify ways to advocate for self and others to enhance health and safety.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Determine when and how to utilize different communication strategies to deal with a variety of situations and conflict. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What's the difference between conflict management and conflict resolution?
2. When might a person use a different communication strategy such as refusal, negotiation, and conflict resolution?
3. What are some ways a person could advocate for health promotion for self and others?

##### Health Skills:

1. Advocacy
2. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Analyze the factors that influence a person's decision to use or not use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.6.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze internal influences such as genetics, personality, and risk-seeking behaviors on drug use (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).
b. Analyze external influences on the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
c. Analyze various strategies the media use, including advertisements and movies, to encourage or discourage marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
d. Identify common mixed messages about marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use in the media.
e. Analyze the perception versus the reality of drug use in adolescents (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Teens need to be able to evaluate the internal and external influences that are having the biggest impact on their choices. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
2. It is important to address current trends of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How does alcohol and drug use affect the body and brain (e.g., neurological processes)?
2. What does the latest research say about teen brain development and the impact it has on their choices?
3. If everyone had the most accurate information available, would they still use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, or tobacco?
4. What are the most powerful influences around a teen's decision to use alcohol or drugs?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate the ability to refuse marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.6.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate effective, assertive refusal skills in refusing marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
b. Explain how decisions about drug and substance use affect relationships.
c. Identify and summarize positive alternatives to drug and substance use.
d. Demonstrate planning skills for avoiding marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Learning to respectfully and assertively communicate sets the foundation for healthy choices. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)
2. Good decision making involves personal efficacy, accurate information, and skill development. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why is it important to be accountable for decisions about substance use?
2. What are effective ways to respond to situations where you want to say "no"?
3. What are effective ways to respond to situations where you want to say "no"?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate ways to advocate for a positive, respectful school and community environment that supports pro-social behavior.

GLE Code: CH.6.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Understand the definition of bullying, as well as the roles of a bystander, perpetrator/bully, and victim in bullying.
b. Demonstrate how to prevent or stop bullying as a bystander, perpetrator, or victim.
c. Understand the consequences of unaddressed bullying for the victim, perpetrator/bully, and bystanders.
d. Advocate for a positive and respectful school environment that supports pro-social behavior.
e. Demonstrate the ability to identify a parent, trusted adult, or appropriate legal authorities to whom school or community violence should be reported.
f. Describe the dangers of and actions to be taken if aware of threats to harm self or others.
g. Describe the dangers of and actions to be taken if weapons are seen or suspected in schools.
h. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills to solve conflicts nonviolently.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Discuss if the presence of weapons increases the risk of serious injuries. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Understand the variety of school and community resources that can help with school-violence issues. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
3. Understand the importance of advocating for themselves or others in bullying situations. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do I know if someone is being bullied?
2. What if my friend is a bully?
3. What does pro-social behavior look like in our community?
4. What effect has social media had on bullying and harassment?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management
2. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## Sixth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Demonstrate ways to promote safety, and prevent unintentional injuries.

GLE Code: CH.6.4.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate the ability to identify and correct safety hazards at home, in school, and in the community.
b. Develop a safety plan for self and/or others in home, school, and community.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Being able to prepare for the safety and welfare of self and others is a lifelong skill. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Is it possible to create safe schools and communities?
2. Why might it be desirable to create these safe communities?
3. What are potential safety issues in our community?

##### Health Skills:

1. Advocacy for self and others

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Analyze factors that influence healthy eating behaviors.

GLE Code: CH.7.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze how family, peers, media, and culture influence food choices.
b. Analyze how social and cultural messages about food and eating influence nutrition choices.
c. Analyze the influence that adults and role models have on one's food choices.
d. Analyze internal influences on one's food choices.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify how cultural perspectives influence food choices. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Examine the impact of cost and other policies on the consumption of healthy and unhealthy foods. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
3. Identify a variety of strategies that are used to market food products to individuals and these strategies will change as technology advances. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
4. Examine why portion sizes have increased over time. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What internal and external influences affect your eating choices?
2. How do family habits or traditions, peers, role models, cultural heritage, and societal norms affect food choices?
3. What would happen if your body did not tell you when you were hungry or full?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences
2. Decision-Making

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Compare and contrast healthy and unhealthy family and peer relationships.

GLE Code: CH.7.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Evaluate the characteristics of healthy relationships, including dating, and discuss factors that support and sustain them.
b. Explain the purpose of friendship and describe how friends can support one another in making healthy decisions.
c. Demonstrate effective strategies for dealing with difficult relationships with family members, peers, and boyfriends or girlfriends.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Various cultures date and select life partners differently. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Technological advances provide increased opportunities to develop relationships anytime and anyplace with a worldwide audience. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
3. Discuss how healthy relationships require many things of both people. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What makes a relationship "healthy"?
2. What is "dating"?
3. How might "unhealthy" family and peer relationships influence future dating relationships?
4. Healthy relationships require many things of both people.

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences
2. Interpersonal communication
3. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Analyze the internal and external factors that influence sexual decision-making and activity.

GLE Code: CH.7.2.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe a variety of external influences such as parents, the media, culture, peers, and society that affect sexual decision-making and sexual activity.
b. Describe how internal influences such as curiosity, hormones, interests, desires, fears, and feelings affect sexual decision-making and activity.
c. Describe how personal, peer, and family values and beliefs influence decisions about sexual and reproductive health.
d. Analyze the discrepancies between perceived and actual sexual activity and how the information influences your sexual decision-making.
e. Develop strategies that advocate for healthy sexual boundaries and decision- making.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how the internet and other forms of media influence sexual decision-making. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
2. Analyze how families, peers, the media, culture, and society influence what a person thinks about people who have infectious or chronic diseases, such as HIV infection, AIDS, and cancer. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Analyze how families, peers, the media, culture, and society influence what one thinks about attractiveness and relationships. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do I discern media and cultural messages that support optimal health versus those that undermine optimal health regarding sexual decision-making and activity?
2. How does what my family thinks about sexual activity affect me?
3. How do what my friends and peers think about sexual activity affect me?
4. How do my beliefs affect my decisions about sexual activity?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Define sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).

GLE Code: CH.7.2.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe the effects of HIV infection on the body.
b. Explain how HIV is and is not contracted.
c. Define common STDs.
d. Explain how certain behaviors put a person in higher risk of contracting STD's.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Discuss how abstinence from all sexual behaviors prevents the acquisition and spreading of STDs. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
2. If sexually active, identify precautions that can be taken to reduce the risk of spreading STDs. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Identify how tolerance, appreciation, and understanding of the conditions of others demonstrate humanity and empathy. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What behaviors can and cannot lead to spreading STDs?
2. What safety measures will reduce or eliminate the risk of contracting an STD?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing information

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Demonstrate effective communication skills to express thoughts and feelings appropriately.

GLE Code: CH.7.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate the ability to engage in active listening.
b. Demonstrate negotiation skills to support the healthy expression of personal needs.
c. Demonstrate the ability to state personal needs and articulate limits.
d. Practice verbal and nonverbal ways to ask for help from a parent, trusted adults, or friends.
e. Advocate for self and others to increase the safety of school community.
f. Identify a variety of verbal and nonverbal communication styles and how to respond effectively.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Setting boundaries provides a framework for responsible decision-making and can contribute to the development of a positive self-image. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
2. Determine how effective communication skills affect mental and social health, and are lifelong skills. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication, Using Information and Communications Technologies)
3. Demonstrate why effective communication skills need to be applied when communicating wants and needs. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication, using Information and Communications Technologies)
4. Communication skills can be used to advocate for the safety of a school community. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How will I know who to trust with my emotional health issues?
2. How can I keep my friends if I disagree with them?
3. How can I express my feelings and concerns if I am shy or feel embarrassed?
4. How can I be a better listener?
5. How can modern technology be positive and negative in communicating with others?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal communication
2. Advocacy
3. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Develop healthy self-management skills to prevent and manage stress.

GLE Code: CH.7.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Compare and contrast positive and negative ways of dealing with stress.
b. Define stress.
c. Identify personal stressors.
d. Explain the body's physical and psychological responses to stressful situations.
e. Develop healthy strategies to deal with stressors.
f. Practice strategies such as physical activity, relaxation techniques, journaling, and talking with someone to prevent, manage, and/or reduce stress.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Examine how attitude plays an important role in managing stress. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
2. Explore how personal stressors at home, with friends, in school, the community, and in the environment can affect one's feelings and emotions. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
3. Healthy coping strategies exist to help people deal with stress in order to maintain emotional and physical health. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What are some physical cues or internal "red flags" one would experience if anger was the primary emotion felt?
2. Why is it important to have a variety of healthy ways to manage stress effectively?
3. Describe circumstances where positive stressors are useful.
4. How does the use of modern technology impact stress levels?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-Making
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Analyze the consequences of using marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.7.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Examine the social and economic, consequences of marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
b. Explain how drugs are addictive (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).
c. Explain family rules, school policies, and community laws related to the sale and use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
d. Explain how drugs alter the body and the brain (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).
e. Analyze the effects of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco on a person's ability to make decisions.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify research that identifies the impact of drug use on the brain during adolescents. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Explore the social, emotional, and financial consequences to drug use and addiction. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Drug abuse/misuse and addiction does not just impact oneself, but others in one's family, peer group, community, and society. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Would drug abuse be such a prevalent issue if it did not have an addictive quality?
2. What are the social, economic, cosmetic, and familial consequences of drug abuse?
3. Why does someone become addicted?
4. Why is the advertising of alcohol and tobacco so highly regulated, especially when it comes to youth?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision making
2. Self-management / Personal Responsibility
3. Access information

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Demonstrate self-management skills to reduce physical and emotional violence and actively participate in violence prevention.

GLE Code: CH.7.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe the short- and long-term consequences of violence on perpetrators, victims, and bystanders.
b. Explain the role of bystanders in escalating, preventing, or stopping bullying, fighting, hazing, gossip, exclusion of individuals, or violence.
c. Describe strategies and skills one could use to avoid physical fighting and violence.
d. Identify a variety of nonviolent ways to respond when angry or upset.
e. Demonstrate the ability to identify a parent, trusted adult, or appropriate legal authorities to whom school or community violence should be reported.
f. Describe the dangers of and actions to be taken if aware of threats to harm self or others.
g. Describe the dangers of and actions to be taken if weapons are seen or suspected in schools.
h. Demonstrate appropriate communication skills to solve conflicts nonviolently.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore if the presence of weapons impacts the risk of serious injuries. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Discuss the variety of school and community resources that can help with school-violence issues. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
3. Advocate for selves or others in bullying situations. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)
4. Develop personal strategies to enhance healthy behaviors and to avoid, reduce, and cope with unhealthy, risky, or potentially unsafe situations. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can one person reduce violence?
2. What are positive and negative effects of weapons on society?
3. What situations lead to physical fighting and violence? How could those situations be avoided?
4. What is my civic responsibility to respond to violence in my community?
5. How might someone's words, including social media, impact another person emotionally and socially?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management
2. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## Seventh Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate safety procedures for a variety of situations.

GLE Code: CH.7.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe first-response procedures needed to treat injuries and other emergencies.
b. Identify accepted procedures for emergency care and lifesaving care.
c. Describe actions to take during severe weather or trauma-related emergencies.
d. Analyze the role of peers, family, and media in causing or preventing injuries.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify how community or region has unique risks associated with living there. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)
2. Individual behaviors and the environment interact to cause or prevent injuries. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What are the challenges of maintaining one's safety in a variety of dangerous situations?
2. What are the alternate ideas or methods that can emerge from an emergency situation in case the original plan does not work or typical equipment is not available?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyze Influences
2. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Demonstrate the ability to make healthy food choices in a variety of settings.

GLE Code: CH.8.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Develop strategies for making healthier food and beverage choices in a variety of settings such as eating out, at home, with friends, or at school.
b. Describe the influences that impact healthy food choices.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Debate if food choices have an impact on the environment. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
2. Determine how individuals must identify which food choices lead to their optimal health and weight goals. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What is a "healthy" weight?
2. How can a healthy diet for one person be unhealthy for another?
3. Why do people on restrictive diets often end up gaining more weight?
4. What internal/external factors influence food choices?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences
2. Decision-Making

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Describe the physical, emotional, mental, and social benefits of sexual abstinence, and develop strategies to resist pressures to become sexually active.

GLE Code: CH.8.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate the ability to anticipate and minimize exposure to situations that pose a risk to sexual health.
b. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal ways to refuse pressure to engage in unwanted verbal, physical, and sexual activity and advances.
c. Define sexual consent and explain why individuals have the right to refuse sexual contact.
d. Seek support to be sexually abstinent.
e. Develop personal standards for dating situations.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Compare and contrast how historical societal norms related to sexual activity with today's culture provides information on how a culture perceives and values sexual relationships. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Discuss how consent is an on-going process and important to remember when establishing personal boundaries. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do health practices in adolescence affect lifelong health?
2. What is the difference among affection, love, commitment, and sexual attraction?
3. What characteristics do you find most appealing in a dating relationship?
4. Why would you choose to be sexually abstinent?
5. What advice would you give to a friend who is being pressured to become sexually active?
6. How can media affect relationships and sexual health (e.g., sexually explicit content, sexual norms, and values)?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-Making
2. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Analyze how certain behaviors place one at greater risk for HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unintended pregnancy.

GLE Code: CH.8.2.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain the benefits and effectiveness of abstinence in preventing HIV, STDs, and unintended pregnancy.
b. Explain the benefits and effectiveness and potential side effects of contraceptives in reducing the risk of HIV, other STDs, and unintended pregnancy.
c. Describe the risk relationship between using alcohol and other drugs and sexual activity.
d. Demonstrate peer resistance skills and personal boundary behavior.
e. Examine how healthy relationships can impact one's risk for avoiding STDs.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Examine how age, gender, health history, religious beliefs, cost, and product reliability influence the use of various methods of contraception. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Identify how personal self-awareness can enhance positive health practices. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. To what extent can we keep ourselves disease-free?
2. Why might a person be more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as sexual activity when under the influence of alcohol or other drugs?
3. What advice would you give to a friend who is being pressured to do something he or she does not want to do?
4. Why is it important to stand up for what you believe?
5. Why do some countries or cultures have higher rates of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases than others?
6. How can media affect relationships and sexual health (e.g., sexually explicit content, sexual norms, and values)?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Describe the signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

GLE Code: CH.8.2.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe the signs, symptoms, and transmission of common STDs, including HIV, HPV, and chlamydia.
b. Explain that some STDs are asymptomatic.
c. Summarize which STDs can be cured, prevented by vaccine, and be treated.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how medical advances for the prevention and treatment of STDs continue to evolve. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
2. Examine how society has viewed persons diagnosed with STDs differently throughout history. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Evaluate current trends with the incident rates of STDs to establish a relevant understanding of risk to one's health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How would I identify reliable sources of medically accurate information?
2. Why is it important to seek medical attention if you think you may have been exposed to an STD?
3. How can you find more information about STDs?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

5. Promote and enhance health through disease prevention.

GLE Code: CH.8.2.5

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain contributing factors to health status.
b. Analyze the relationship among poor eating habits, inactivity, tobacco and alcohol use, and health status.
c. Explain the body's response to disuse and other stressors.
d. Explain how the immune system functions to prevent and combat disease.
e. Describe the potential health consequences of popular fads or trends.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how popular fads or trends have potential social and health consequences. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
2. Asses how advances in genetics and science influence health outcomes. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Predict how global travel affects disease transmission and outbreaks. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why are some people healthier than others?
2. What might happen if there were a cure for cancer and genetic diseases?
3. When might stress be beneficial?
4. Why do some people get sick more than others?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Access valid and reliable school and community resources to help with mental and emotional health concerns.

GLE Code: CH.8.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Explain that why getting help for mental and emotional health problems is appropriate and sometimes necessary.
b. Understand that stereotypes exist about mental and emotional problems, and those stereotypes can influence a person's desire to seek help.
c. Explain when it is necessary and how to seek help for mental and emotional health problems: such as depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicidal ideations, and mood, eating, and sleep disorders.
d. Determine valid and reliable mental and emotional health resources.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Discuss why laws have been enacted to protect patient confidentiality. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Character)
2. Explore why stereotypes exist about people with mental disabilities and illness. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Recognize the cause and effect of self-harming behaviors, depression, and suicide. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why is it sometimes hard to talk about emotional concerns?
2. When you need to talk about problems, how do you know who to trust or speak to about problems?
3. Under what circumstances might you strongly encourage a friend to seek help for his problem? Should you ask a parent or trusted adult for advice if your friend refuses to get help?
4. How can adolescent development (e.g., hormonal changes, brain development) impact their social and emotional health?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Analyze internal and external factors that influence mental and emotional health.

GLE Code: CH.8.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze how culture, media, and others influence personal feelings and behaviors.
b. Describe how personal and family values and feelings influence choices.
c. Describe strategies to minimize negative influences on mental and emotional health.
d. Analyze internal factors that contribute to mental and emotional health.
e. Identify the factors that could negatively influence a person's well-being with regard to depression, suicide, and/or self-harm.
f. Identify internal and external influences on one's body image.
g. Describe the signs, symptoms, and consequences of common eating disorders.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Hypothesize how alcohol and other drug use can interfere with a person's ability to effectively deal with emotional and mental health issues. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
2. Examine societal, factors and physical factors play a role in the development of certain mental illnesses. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Examine how a constant infusion of technology influences social and emotional health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can too much time with media (e.g., TV, social media, video games, screen time) affect a person's social and emotional health?
2. How can I avoid negative peer pressure that goes against my personal values?
3. How can biases influence our choices?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Analyze influences that impact individuals' use or non-use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.8.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze potential risks and protective factors (e.g., personal, family, and peer) that could impact drug use (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).
b. Determine situations that could lead to the drug use (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).
c. Describe how mental and emotional health and life circumstances can affect the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
d. Determine current cultural and societal drug trends and how they could potentially influence adolescent use or non-use.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Support groups exist to clarify, inform and support individuals who are influenced by addictive substances. (Professional Skills: Information Literacy)
2. Current cultural fads that promise benefits (e.g., weight loss, performance enhancement, energy drinks) must be evaluated carefully before use. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
3. Understand that caffeine is a drug and is addictive. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can depression, anxiety, and other mental problems influence a person's decisions related to marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?
2. Why are marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco addictive?
3. What does it take to overcome addiction to these substances?
4. Is the teen brain more susceptible to addictions than the adult brain?
5. What is the relationship between using drugs and alcohol and involvement in sexual activity?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Access valid sources of information about use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.8.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze the validity of information, products, and services related to the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
b. Analyze the accuracy of images of use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco conveyed in the media, including advertisements.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Through varied technologies, there exists a proliferation of accurate and inaccurate health information. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Identify community groups can provide a network of support for individuals trying to abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can you tell the difference between valid and invalid sources of information about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs?
2. Why is it important to understand that media messaging has embedded values and points of view?
3. Should alcoholic beverage companies be allowed to sponsor athletic events? Why or why not?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate decision-making skills to be drug free (marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).

GLE Code: CH.8.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Use a decision-making process to avoid using drugs in a variety of situations (marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).
b. Analyze choices about using marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco and how these choices can affect friends and family.
c. Develop personal plans to be and drug free.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explore how new technology have been developed to support recovery from addiction and drug overdose. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
2. Analyze how creating a personal plan and setting goals can support healthy decisions. (Personal Skills: Initiative/Self-Directions)
3. Describe why it is important to explore potential options and outcomes to a decision prior to making the decision. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why should I care about being alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and drug free?
2. Do you create situations or are you merely a participant in them?
3. How do you express your values about other things to others which are firmly held intentions?
4. How has technology impacted or changed drug use?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-making

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Analyze the factors that influence violent and nonviolent behavior.

GLE Code: CH.8.4.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify media and cultural messages that could lead to different types of violence, including relational and sexual violence.
b. Examine the presence of violence in the media and its possible effects on violent behavior.
c. Describe how one's beliefs, values, and familial and peer relationships could promote relational violence.
d. Identify verbal and nonverbal communication that constitutes sexual harassment.
e. Recognize behaviors that are perceived as sexually coercive, and behaviors that are crimes.
f. Explain why and how rape and sexual assault should be reported to a parent or trusted adult and appropriate legal authorities.
g. Formulate a plan to advocate for healthy, violence-free, respectful relationships for one's self and community.
h. Determine who (adults) to report potentially unsafe behaviors/situations to both inside and outside of school.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Sexual violence and harassment are unacceptable behaviors that result in legal consequences. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)
2. Technology has changed the way sexual exploitation and harassment occurs. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Examine various social and cultural norms regarding sexual violence and harassment. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Is peaceful behavior the same as nonviolent? Why or why not?
2. Would a media-free life diminish assaults?
3. What would I do if I saw someone being sexually harassed or assaulted?
4. Why is it important to report potentially unsafe behaviors/situations?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyze Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## Eighth Grade, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

5. Demonstrate ways to advocate for a positive, respectful school and community environment that supports pro-social behavior.

GLE Code: CH.8.4.5

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify pro-social behaviors in the school and community.
b. Examine the consequences of unaddressed behaviors that do not respect others, the school, or the community environment.
c. Advocate for a positive and respectful school environment that supports pro-social behavior.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify positive behavior support and other school and community programs advocate for pro-social behavior. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
2. Advocate for positive respectful school environments that support positive social norms. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do I know if someone is being bullied?
2. Are positive social norms static or can they change
3. What does pro-social behavior look like in our community?
4. What effect has social media had on bullying and harassment?

##### Health Skills:

1. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Synthesize the impact of healthy and unhealthy diets on daily living.

GLE Code: CH.HS.2.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Use nutritional evidence to describe a healthy diet and an unhealthy diet.
b. Analyze and describe the relationship among healthy eating, physical activity, and chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, type-2 diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.
c. Describe the importance of eating a variety of foods to balance nutrient and caloric needs.
d. Explain the effects of disordered eating and eating disorders on healthy growth and development.
e. Analyze the relationship between eating behavior and metabolism.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Evaluate the diets and eating behaviors of others, and recommend strategies for improving health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
2. Examine how restaurants and food companies respond to concerns among consumers about healthful food choices, and create menus and products to address those concerns. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
3. Advocate for nutritious foods in public programs such as food banks and school lunch programs. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)
4. Healthful living requires an individual to act on available information about good nutrition, even if it means breaking comfortable habits or societal norms. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do you define "healthy eating"?
2. How do personal food choices impact all areas of health and wellness?
3. If everyone had a healthy diet, how would physical and mental health be impacted?
4. Can frequent exercise make up for poor food habits (or vice versa)? Why or why not?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information
2. Analyzing Influences
3. Decision Making

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Analyze how family, peers, media, culture, and technology influence healthy eating choices.

GLE Code: CH.HS.2.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Evaluate advertising claims for nutrition supplements and weight-loss products.
b. Analyze how family, peers, and the media influence food choices.
c. Analyze the influence of media on the selection of products and services related to weight management.
d. Examine the influence of family, peers, culture, and media on body image and the subsequent effects on eating behavior.
e. Differentiate how a positive or a negative body image can influence eating behavior.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Use diet analysis software to help people create healthy diets by providing extensive nutritional information. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Skills)
2. Advocate for school and community policies such as replacing soda machines with water and high-quality juices that can influence healthy or unhealthy eating. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)
3. Analyze how subsidies, farm policy, food advertising and cultural and media messages influence nutritional choices. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
4. Critically analyze all available information about good nutrition, and make healthy, informed choices based on that information. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What might a media campaign to promote healthy eating look like?
2. If there were no food advertising, how might your diet be different?
3. How does body image affect behavior?
4. How can you determine which claims about nutrition supplements and weight-loss, if any, are true?
5. What criteria can you use, and what supporting evidence should you seek?
6. How can personal economics influence food choices?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

1. Apply knowledge and skills to engage in lifelong healthy eating.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Demonstrate ways to take personal responsibility for healthy eating.

GLE Code: CH.HS.2.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Describe and explain how current federal nutrition standards and guidelines are useful in planning a healthy diet.
b. Apply information on food labels to make healthy eating choices.
c. Demonstrate how to balance caloric intake with caloric expenditure to maintain, gain, or reduce weight in a healthy manner.
d. Design and implement a plan to improve one's personal food choices that lead to a healthier diet.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Use "Nutrition Facts" labels to provide information that aid in making healthy choices. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)
2. Analyze current research on how heredity and individual metabolism impacts caloric needs and how it's revolutionizing the wellness industry. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Explain how specific diet plans found in popular magazines, books, internet sites, and infomercials should be carefully evaluated for health benefits or consequences. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
4. Analyze how dietary requirements vary for individuals based on age, activity level, metabolism, and health. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do personal food and beverage choices (e.g., energy drinks, high-sugar beverages/food, processed foods) impact all areas of health and wellness?
2. How can you use "Nutrition Facts" labels, federal nutrition standards and guidelines such as the Dietary Guidelines for Americans to help to make nutritious food choices as well as establish healthy eating habits?
3. How does physical activity play a role in the development of a healthy diet plan?
4. From a health perspective, how can you become a "wise" shopper?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management / Personal Responsibility
2. Goal Setting

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Use a decision-making process to make healthy decisions about relationships and sexual health.

GLE Code: CH.HS.2.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Differentiate the characteristics of unhealthy and healthy relationships (e.g., dating, committed relationships, marriage, and family).
b. Analyze the possible emotional, mental, social, and physical consequences of early sexual activity.
c. Analyze the possible emotional, mental, social, and physical benefits for delaying sexual activity.
d. Describe how a person can choose to abstain from sexual activity at any point in time, even after having engaged in prior sexual activity.
e. Analyze factors that influence the choice, use, and effectiveness of contraception, including the availability of contraceptive methods.
f. Compare the difference between risk avoidance, risk reduction and strategies one can utilize for each as it relates to STDs and pregnancy.
g. Analyze when it is necessary to seek help with or leave an unhealthy situation.
h. Analyze risks of sharing personal information through modern technology.
i. Evaluate how HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or pregnancy could impact life goals.
j. Examine the responsibilities of parenthood.
k. Appraise internal and external influences and pressures to become sexually active, and demonstrate strategies to resist those pressures.
l. Identify what qualifies as clear consent for sexual activity.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify family structures, values, rituals, and traditions impact decisions regarding health, and vary from individual to individual, family to family, and culture to culture. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
2. Explain why various factors often create discrepancies between actual and perceived social norms related to sexual activity among teenagers. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
3. Analyze how cultural, religious beliefs, popular trends and fads, current and emerging technological advances influence sexual and reproductive health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
4. Analyze the physical, economic, emotional, social, intellectual, and cultural demands of raising a child. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
5. Examine culture, media, and other people influence perceptions about body image, gender roles, sexuality, attractiveness, relationships, and sexual orientation. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
6. Examine why prenatal exposure marijuana, illegal drugs, certain prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, infections, and environmental hazards may affect the incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome, low birth weight, and disabilities. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
7. Analyze how decision-making can be affected by a variety of influences that may or may not be in a person's best interest. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
8. Analyze why tolerance, appreciation, and understanding of individual differences are necessary in order to establish healthy relationships. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
9. Examine why technological advances continue to provide increased opportunities to develop relationships anytime and anyplace with a worldwide audience. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
10. Analyze why tolerance, appreciation, and understanding of individual differences are necessary in order to establish healthy relationships. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
11. Examine culture, media, and other people influence perceptions about body image, gender roles, sexuality, attractiveness, relationships, and sexual orientation. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can a personal decision to become sexually active affect one's future goals and options?
2. How does one know when one is ready to become a parent?
3. What kind of work is involved in being a parent?
4. In order to achieve lifelong sexual and reproductive health, what should I plan for?
5. Why are relationships important?
6. How do we learn to understand and respect diversity in relationships?
7. How do we know when a relationship is not worth saving?
8. How do we know when someone is being truthful online?
9. How does peer pressure impact the decision around sexual health?
10. What could be the impact of peer pressure on a person who chooses to abstain from sexual activity?
11. What are the potential consequences of sexting?

##### Health Skills:

1. Decision-Making
2. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

2. Apply knowledge and skills necessary to make personal decisions that promote healthy relationships and sexual and reproductive health.

### Grade Level Expectation:

5. Support others in making positive and healthful choices about sexual activity.

GLE Code: CH.HS.2.5

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate ways to encourage friends to remain sexually abstinent or return to abstinence if sexually active.
b. Examine the benefits of avoiding or reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
c. Communicate the importance of HIV and sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing and counseling to those who are sexually active.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how cultural and religious beliefs, popular trends, fads, and current and emerging technological advances influence sexual and reproductive health. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
2. Advocating to others at school or in the community regarding positive and healthful choices about sexual activity creates an environment of open communication. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)
3. Examine how advocacy for self and others can promote personal and community wellness and impact society as a whole. (Professional Skills: Leadership)
4. Identify reliable professional resources that are available to assist with sexual and reproductive health problems (e.g., STIs and infertility). (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why would someone engage in intimate behaviors without first having the emotional safety to talk about it?
2. What support do you need to assist you in making healthy decisions about sexual activity?
3. Why would a teenager choose to delay sexual activity?

##### Health Skills:

1. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 2. Physical and Personal Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

3. Apply knowledge and skills related to health promotion, disease prevention, and health maintenance.

### Grade Level Expectation:

6. Develop and maintain ongoing evaluation of factors that impact health, and modify lifestyle accordingly.

GLE Code: CH.HS.2.6

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze the role of personal responsibility in maintaining and enhancing personal, family, and community wellness.
b. Debate the social and ethical implications of the availability, use of technology and medical advances to support wellness.
c. Explore the importance of health screenings, immunizations, and checkups, including screenings, and examinations that are necessary to maintain health.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Examine why individuals who lack access to health care and adequate wellness information may be at risk for developing illnesses. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
2. Evaluate how socioeconomic status and educational attainment impact health. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Examine why public health policies are designed to protect the health of a community and can include laws pertaining to air quality, food protection, solid waste management, hazardous waste management, and water quality. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Analyze how behavioral and environmental factors can contribute to major chronic diseases. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Would one still need a doctor if one always ate "healthy," and always maintained an active lifestyle?
2. What influences could impact a person's decision to receive health services and or medical treatment?
3. How does one's environment impact one's health?
4. What are the obstacles to accessing health care?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication
2. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Analyze the interrelationship of physical, mental, emotional, and social health.

GLE Code: CH.HS.3.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze the characteristics of a mentally, emotionally, and socially healthy person.
b. Describe how mental, emotional and social health can affect health-related behaviors.
c. Implement effective strategies for dealing with personal and environmental stress.
d. Analyze internal and external causes, symptoms, and effects of depression and anxiety.
e. Assess the effects of disordered eating and eating disorders on healthy growth and development.
f. Analyze the influences of family, peers, culture, and media on body image.
g. Analyze how a positive or a negative body image can influence health behaviors.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how individual, family, school, peer, and community factors can affect physical, mental, emotional and social health. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
2. Examine how consistent access to real-time technologies can influence a person's stress level. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
3. Describe the strategies that can relieve stress. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How do you recognize stress in others and respond with kindness and respect, and offer assistance?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzes Influences
2. Self-Management / Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Set goals, and monitor progress on attaining goals for future success.

GLE Code: CH.HS.3.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Connect how setting a personal goal contributes to positive mental, emotional, and social wellness.
b. Define a clear, attainable personal goal.
c. Describe steps needed to reach personal goals.
d. Apply concepts to self-reflect on the progress and success of personal goals.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Describe why setting goals can influence a person's health. (Personal Skills: Initiative/Self-Direction)
2. Analyze how individual, family, school, and peer factors influence goal setting. (Personal Skills: Initiative/Self-Direction)
3. The ability to plan and set realistic goals can lead to a sense of well-being and positive mental health. (Personal Skills: Initiative/Self-Direction)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can planning affect my future?
2. How does future orientation and goal setting increase one's mental, emotional and social well-being?
3. Why is achieving a goal gratifying?
4. How has what you've learned about healthy eating decisions affected your current diet?
5. How would you prioritize a healthy diet on a list of health maintenance activities?

##### Health Skills:

1. Goal Setting

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 3. Social and Emotional Wellness

### Prepared Graduates:

4. Utilize knowledge and skills to enhance mental, emotional, and social well-being.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Advocate to improve or maintain positive mental, emotional well-being for self and others.

GLE Code: CH.HS.3.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate effective and respectful advocacy strategies in support of the needs and rights of other.
b. Demonstrate support and respect for diversity.
c. Advocate for positive and respectful school environment that supports pro-social behavior.
d. Demonstrate how to communicate the importance of seeking help for mental and emotional problems.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Examination of the Internet and other digital communications devices allow people from different countries to correspond and learn about each other's lives and culture. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Specialized support groups offer respectful assistance to those experiencing medical, mental, emotional, or addiction-related challenges. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)
3. Mental and emotional health sometimes seems like a personal issue but others can support and advocate for improved mental and emotional health. (Professional Skills: Self-Advocacy)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why are some people embarrassed or afraid to speak up on behalf of others?
2. Why do we have biases?
3. What if I found out my best friend was involved in something I had been raised to believe was not right?
4. In what ways might exposure to human rights abuses affect my social and emotional wellness, as well as the social and emotional wellness of my fellow students, and other members of the community?

##### Health Skills:

1. Advocacy

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

1. Analyze the impact of individuals' use or non use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.1

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze healthy alternatives to substance use.
b. Predict the potential effects of an individual's substance abuse on others.
c. Analyze the consequences of using weight-loss pills and products as well as and performance-enhancing drugs.
d. Analyze the relationship between using alcohol and other drugs as well as other health risks such as unintentional injuries, violence, suicide, sexual activity, and tobacco use.
e. Describe the harmful effects of binge drinking.
f. Summarize the relationship between intravenous drug use and the transmission of blood borne diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify the physical, financial, social, and psychological cost of addiction. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Analyze why rules and community laws related to the sale and use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products are based on the potential risks of drug and alcohol use. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
3. Examine how marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco is related to the major causes of death, including driving a motor vehicle, and disease in the United States. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
4. Analyze the common indicators, stages, and influencing factors of addiction and chemical dependency. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)
5. Analyze how knowledge about marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco inform decision making related to personal wellness and the wellness of others. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why does it matter whether or not I understand there are relationships between risky behaviors?
2. What could happen if I relied on substances to solve situational needs that confronted me (weight, trying to improve athletic performance, adrenalin rush, etc.)?
3. Why is a person more likely to engage in risky behaviors when under the influence of alcohol or drugs than when sober?
4. What kinds of risks do people sometimes take when under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
5. How can a person's decision to use/abuse marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco affect other people (e.g., friends, families, strangers)?
6. What is the difference between physiological addiction and behavioral addiction?
7. How do cultural and social norms impact behavior surrounding binge drinking?
8. Is it responsible to experiment with marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in a responsible way?
9. How does genetic predisposition impact decisions surround marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco use?
10. What influences the abuse of prescription drugs?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyze Influences
2. Decision Making

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

2. Analyze the factors that influence a person's decision to use or not to use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.2

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Evaluate strategies for managing the impact of internal and external influences on the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
b. Analyze the role of individual, family, community, and cultural norms on the use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
c. Describe the financial, political, social, and legal influences on the use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how financial interests based in agriculture, lobbying, manufacturing and distribution support targeted marketing to maintain or increase sales of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Evaluate how normal and daily socializing may present access to marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
3. Explore how society changes and new drugs are developed, knowledge and skills about drugs will need to be learned. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Analyze how culture, media and social pressures influence health decision-making related to marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)
5. Examine how effective decision-making, communication skills and accurate information about marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can help people make healthy choices that benefit themselves and others. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why would I choose not to use marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse prescription drugs or, alcohol, and tobacco when it sometimes feels like "everyone is doing it"?
2. How do I make the "right" decisions?
3. How does the teen brain and the adult brain differ?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

3. Develop interpersonal communication skills to refuse or avoid marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.3

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal ways to refuse or avoid marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
b. Demonstrate effective negotiating skills to avoid riding in a car with someone who has been using marijuana, illegal drugs, abusing prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
c. Demonstrate effective persuasion skills that encourage friends and family not to abuse prescription drugs or use drugs (marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Evaluate why communication skills will need to change as communication technology changes. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies
2. Identify how new technologies could be used to prevent drug use, abuse or injuries due to their use. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Creativity/Innovation)
3. Analyze how knowledge and skills about marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco are needed to inform decision making related to personal wellness and the wellness of others. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. What would I say if my best friend wanted to drive home after drinking alcohol or using drugs at a party?
2. Are some strategies more effective than others in getting people to stop pressuring you to abuse prescription drugs or use marijuana, illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?
3. What could you say or do to convince a friend not to abuse prescription drugs, or try or use marijuana, illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

5. Apply knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing decisions regarding the use of marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

### Grade Level Expectation:

4. Develop self-management skills to improving health by staying drug free (marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.4

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Develop a personal plan to improve health by staying free of drugs (marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco).
b. Demonstrate the ability to monitor personal behavior related to marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco, including sexual activity and other risky behaviors.
c. Identify strategies to reduce the risk of potential unwanted consequences involving alcohol, marijuana and other drugs.
d. Identify strategies to reduce the risk of potential unwanted consequences involving marijuana, illegal drugs, abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Examine why groups in neighborhoods and around the world exist to support alcohol, tobacco and drug-free living. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
2. Evaluate why many athletes promote and demonstrate examples of how clean lifestyles bring success. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
3. Analyze how the abuse of prescription drugs and use of marijuana, illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco has short- and long-term psychological and social effects on self and others. (Entrepreneurial Skills: Inquiry/Analysis)
4. Evaluate why effective strategies should be learned to develop and promote healthy behaviors and to avoid, reduce, and cope with, risky, or potentially unsafe situations. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
5. Analyze why choosing a drug-free lifestyle can lead to a variety of health benefits, and can help a person set and achieve important personal goals and lead a fulfilling life. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Under what circumstances, if any, is it "ok" to use marijuana, illegal drugs, prescription drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?
2. If you make a commitment to remain or become alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and drug free, what support will you need to be successful?
3. How can remaining alcohol, marijuana and drug free help you achieve your goals for the future?

##### Health Skills:

1. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

5. Analyze the factors that influence community and societal beliefs that underlie violence, and describe relationships, attitudes, behavior, and vulnerability to violence.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.5

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Examine the importance of respecting individual differences.
b. Analyze the consequences of prejudice, discrimination, bias, racism, sexism, and hate crimes.
c. Analyze situations that could lead to different types of violence such as bullying, verbal abuse, hazing, physical assault and fighting, dating violence acquaintance rape, sexual assault, and family violence.
d. Demonstrate the ability to take the perspectives of others in a conflict situation.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how blogs, websites and social networks provide vast opportunities to see the perspectives of others in a conflict situation. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Examine why personal responsibility is the first line of violence-free behavior. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
3. Explore how individual differences are linked to personal perspectives. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Global/Cultural Awareness)
4. Examine how federal, state, local laws, and social norms impact incidences of violence. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Civic Engagement)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Under what circumstances is conflict necessary?
2. What are strategies for preventing a conflict from escalating?
3. Is society desensitized to violence?
4. Are all prejudices wrong?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

6. Analyze the underlying causes of self-harming behavior and harming others, and identify strategies involved in seeking help.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.6

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze the signs and symptoms of people who are in danger of harming themselves or others.
b. Explain how self-directed violence is the result of the accumulation of multiple problems rather than just one problem.
c. Summarize why it is important to tell a parent or adult if there are people who are in danger of harming themselves or others.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain how school and community resources for adolescent mental and emotional health services provide support for those in need. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Analyze how knowledge about self-harming behaviors informs decision making related to personal wellness and the wellness of others. (Personal Skills: Self-Awareness)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Why might someone think it is necessary to feel pain to feel alive?
2. Under what circumstances should you maintain a confidence with someone who may be at risk of hurting himself or others?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

7. Identify the emotional and physical consequences of violence, and find strategies to deal with, prevent, and report them.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.7

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Analyze how power and control differences in relationships such as peer, dating, or family relationships can contribute to aggression and violence.
b. Analyze situations that could lead to pressure to have sex.
c. Summarize why individuals have the right to refuse sexual contact.
d. Analyze the effects of emotional abuse.
e. Analyze how media messages normalize violence (e.g., physical, sexual, emotional, relational).
f. Identify strategies to deal with, prevent, and or report violence.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Identify where school and community resources for domestic violence, abuse and rape are available to those in need. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Analyze the difference in power and control and how it affects personal relationships. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
3. Explain how personal strategies can be learned to develop and enhance healthy behaviors and to avoid unsafe situations. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Is emotional abuse as harmful as physical abuse?
2. What are the short- and long-term effects of emotional abuse and physical abuse?
3. Are the friends and relationships you keep a reflection of yourself?
4. How do I know what personal boundaries to set in relationships?

##### Health Skills:

1. Analyzing Influences

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

8. Access valid information and resources that provide information about sexual assault and violence.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.8

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Identify resources such as rape crisis centers that provide accurate information about sexual assault and sexual violence.
b. Evaluate reliable school and community resources to assist with problems related to violence.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze how school and community resources are available to assist individuals with problems related to violence. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)
2. Analyze how personal strategies can be learned to develop and enhance healthy behaviors and to avoid, reduce, and cope with unhealthy, risky, or potentially unsafe situations. (Personal Skills: Personal Responsibility)
3. Explain how the school and community provide valuable resources to support adolescent mental and emotional health, including providing immediate aid, protection, or shelter following an act of violence. (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. Who can I trust to talk to about sexual assault and personal violence?
2. Under what circumstances should you maintain a confidence with someone who has been sexually assaulted?
3. When is it most important to turn to adult resources and/or school or community authorities for help?

##### Health Skills:

1. Accessing Information

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

6. Apply knowledge and skills that promote healthy, violence-free relationships.

### Grade Level Expectation:

9. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal communication skills and strategies to prevent violence.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.9

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal ways to ask for help from a parent, other trusted adult, or friend when pressured to engage in violence.
b. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal ways to refuse pressure to engage in violence.
c. Explain the strategies that could be used to prevent a conflict from starting or escalating.
d. Discuss effective strategies for resolving conflicts with another person in nonviolent ways.
e. Demonstrate verbal and nonverbal ways to stop or prevent hazing.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Explain how effective conflict resolution strategies, both verbal and nonverbal are learned over time when the temptation to accept pressure is resisted. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
2. Explain how hostage negotiators utilize conflict resolution strategies to avoid violence and the escalation of conflict. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
3. Explain how effective refusal skills can be used to resist pressures to engage in unhealthy behaviors and situations. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)
4. Explain how personal strategies can be learned to develop and enhance healthy behaviors and to avoid, reduce, and cope with unhealthy, risky, or potentially unsafe situations. (Civic/Interpersonal Skills: Communication)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can I stop violence and still keep my relationships?
2. How can I identify if someone needs help?
3. What are different strategies for helping someone who may be at risk of being a victim of violence?
4. When does good-natured teasing become hazing, harassment, and bullying?

##### Health Skills:

1. Interpersonal Communication

# Comprehensive Health

## High School, Standard 4. Prevention and Risk Management

### Prepared Graduates:

7. Apply personal safety knowledge and skills to prevent and treat injury.

### Grade Level Expectation:

10. Advocate for changes in the home, school, or community that would increase safety.

GLE Code: CH.HS.4.10

#### Evidence Outcomes

##### Students Can:

a. Evaluate situations and environments that could lead to unsafe risks that cause injuries.
b. Identify strategies to reduce the risk of injuries in situation and environments.
c. Determine and utilize the correct steps in reporting unsafe or suspicious behavior.
d. Advocate for self and others to prevent risk of unhealthy situations when operating a motor vehicle.
e. Advocate for changes at home, in school, or in the community that would increase safety.

#### Academic Context and Connections

##### Colorado Essential Skills and Real-World Application:

1. Analyze why insurance companies advocate for safe practices. (Professional Skills: Career Awareness)
2. Explain why employers reward employees at work for reduced injuries and constantly remind workers to be safe. (Professional Skills: Career Awareness)
3. Explore the nation's authorities on product safety and preventable injury concerns (e.g., Underwriters Laboratory). (Professional Skills: Use Information and Communication Technologies)

##### Inquiry Questions:

1. How can personal choices (e.g., friendships, activities, environments) reduce the incidence of risk?
2. Why do people engage in risky behaviors regardless of consequences?
3. How would you determine the severity of suspicious behavior?

##### Health Skills:

1. Advocacy for Self and Others
2. Self-Management/Personal Responsibility
3. Decision-Making